Nick Bryan Dot Com

Today on Dork Adore, I summarise the weekend's exciting Doctor Who/Sherlock news. It's Moffatastic.

Link: Today on Dork Adore, I summarise the weekend's exciting Doctor Who/Sherlock news. It's Moffatastic.

Man Vs Camera #99: Cat In A Box

Today on For Books' Sake, I pretend to understand poetry. Specifically, the poetry book Darling by Jackie Kay.

Link: Today on For Books' Sake, I pretend to understand poetry. Specifically, the poetry book Darling by Jackie Kay.

Not blogged for a bit. Sorry. But I did a funny cat picture, and here's a review of Vexed on Dork Adore.

Link: Not blogged for a bit. Sorry. But I did a funny cat picture, and here's a review of Vexed on Dork Adore.

Authentic news commentary by an actual cat.

Man Vs Camera #98: The Post-Holiday Pile

As you may know, I have been on holiday. Should you wish to view most of my holiday photos, with "amusing" captions, click here.

Link: As you may know, I have been on holiday. Should you wish to view most of my holiday photos, with "amusing" captions, click here.

Man Vs Camera #97: Extreme Camouflage

Man Vs Camera #96: A Hex On You

The Lonely Altar

Last week, I wrote this story about ducks. It was oddly well-received, and thanks very much to everyone who got in touch through various mediums to tell me they enjoyed it.

So, since it seems rude to only do stories for the prompts that are helpfully based on my dreams, I have done one for this week’s prompt as well. Click below to read it. If you like.

Man Vs Camera #95: Penguins Gaze At UFO

Man Vs Camera #94: Some Rocks

Man Vs Camera #93: Cast Long Shadows

My Dork Adore review of the last Sherlock episode. It was good, so we can party.

Link: My Dork Adore review of the last Sherlock episode. It was good, so we can party.

Man Vs Camera #92: Big Wasp Humps Hillside

Man Vs Camera #91: Stag Tag


So, it’s rare that I post my attempts at fiction online, more due to nerves than a desire to preserve my oh-so-precious ideas.

However, the aspiring author-person Isabel Joely Black, who is always good company on Twitter, has been posting a weekly prompt for short fictions on her website, and this week used a description of one of my dreams that I plonked up there recently.

So I thought it was only fair that I take a stab at it, really…

Man Vs Camera #90: Vampire Gum Disease

This week on For Book's Sake, I liked Bad Blood by Lorna Sage.

Link: This week on For Book's Sake, I liked Bad Blood by Lorna Sage.

My Toy Story 3 review for Dork Adore. It's about as gushing as you'd expect.

Link: My Toy Story 3 review for Dork Adore. It's about as gushing as you'd expect.

I review the second episode of Sherlock for Dork Adore. It's not good news.

Link: I review the second episode of Sherlock for Dork Adore. It's not good news.

In advance of the Scott Pilgrim movie, I try to persuade Dork Adore readers to give the comics a try.

Link: In advance of the Scott Pilgrim movie, I try to persuade Dork Adore readers to give the comics a try.