Today on Dork Adore, I summarise the weekend's exciting Doctor Who/Sherlock news. It's Moffatastic.
Man Vs Camera #99: Cat In A Box
Today on For Books' Sake, I pretend to understand poetry. Specifically, the poetry book Darling by Jackie Kay.
Not blogged for a bit. Sorry. But I did a funny cat picture, and here's a review of Vexed on Dork Adore.
Man Vs Camera #98: The Post-Holiday Pile
As you may know, I have been on holiday. Should you wish to view most of my holiday photos, with "amusing" captions, click here.
Man Vs Camera #97: Extreme Camouflage
Man Vs Camera #96: A Hex On You
The Lonely Altar
So, since it seems rude to only do stories for the prompts that are helpfully based on my dreams, I have done one for this week’s prompt as well. Click below to read it. If you like.
Man Vs Camera #95: Penguins Gaze At UFO
Man Vs Camera #93: Cast Long Shadows
Man Vs Camera #92: Big Wasp Humps Hillside
Man Vs Camera #91: Stag Tag
So, it’s rare that I post my attempts at fiction online, more due to nerves than a desire to preserve my oh-so-precious ideas.
However, the aspiring author-person Isabel Joely Black, who is always good company on Twitter, has been posting a weekly prompt for short fictions on her website, and this week used a description of one of my dreams that I plonked up there recently.
So I thought it was only fair that I take a stab at it, really…
Man Vs Camera #90: Vampire Gum Disease