Nick Bryan Dot Com


Hobson & Choi dark-comedy crime books!

A series of grim-yet-fun crime books set in London, following the adventures of grizzled, world-weary private detective John Hobson and his young over-keen teenage helper Angelina Choi. I won't talk for too long about these here, as they're covered at some length on their own dedicated page, but they're good fun.

Cases include crooked social media agencies, evil recruitment consultants, deadly shopping centres and all sorts of modern-mafia nightmares. Oh, and Choi has some serious teenage angst as well - like, more than many teenagers.

Click here to see all the available books, their covers and synopses and more info besides! The first book is available at a low, low prices, so give that a go and see how you like them.


I'm working on some short comic stories, and if you so wish, you can read them as they happen! There is a dedicated comics wing of this site, which you can get either from the 'Comics' tab up top or this comics link right here.

Working with a few great artists, I'm meandering through scifi, fantasy, crime and any other genres I can think of plots for. If you want to help pay artists and make these stories happen better and faster, there is also a Patreon you can back, which does exist mostly to fund these comics. Don't worry, there are also perks.

And also, if you want comics by me, there are a few more in the anthologies just below...

Anthology appearances for sale!

COMICS: Something Wicked #12 (2016)

An anthology from Futurequake Press, collecting a range of short horror stories by upcoming creators, including one by me about a toaster with... issues. Yes. That toaster has things going on.

The art is by Lukas Kowalczuk and is gorgeous. Buy it just for that. And if you so wish, you can get it physically from the publisher's website or, if you're modern, buy it from digital platform Comixology for a lower price. But you don't get any paper.

My story starts on page 74, by the way.

COMICS: The Gathering: Noir (2015)

An anthology from Grayhaven Comics collecting a range of stories by new and upcoming creators, all playing off the general theme of NOIR. Expect desperation, crime and suits.

My story is a four-pager called The Case Study with lovely at by Patrick "Podge" Daly and lettered/edited by Marc Lombardi, which takes noir away from the mafia and on to a whole new group of men in suits: corporate executives. Also features: amusing Powerpoint slides. You can see more details and a brief art preview here.

Buy a physical copy here from Grayhaven!

A Chimerical World - Tales Of The Unseelie Court (2014)

An anthology from Seventh Star Press focusing on the dark side of fairies. Yes, it's not all Tinkerbell, some of them are right bastards.

My specific story is called The Fool And His Money and works off the following premise: remember when the financial crash happened and everyone was talking about bankers spending money which didn't really exist. Where did that money come from? Evil fairies, obviously.

Purchase links: Amazon US - Amazon UK - Nook US - Nook UK

Hero's Best Friend - An anthology of animal companions (2014)

My story The Violet Curse appears in Hero's Best Friend, an anthology from Seventh Star Press devoted to animal companions of all shapes, sizes and species.

In my piece, a loyal dog tries to help her fantasy hero owner save the day, only to find she might be his undoing. It's all very classic-fantasy big-magic.

Purchase links: Amazon US - Amazon UK - Nook US - Nook UK

Standing In The Kitchen At Parties (2011)

An assorted fiction anthology from Deserted By Dignity, featuring my story Blood Will Stream. An early high-watermark in my writing and one of the first works that I've finished and truly loved. It's about a woman called Amy who agrees to stream the murder of her boyfriend. But... why?

There's a short preview up on the publisher's website, if you like to try before you buy. Be warned, though: it is very short.

Print book available on Amazon. You can also get the book cheaper on Lulu, or buy it as a £3 PDF on the same site.

Soup of Souls - Stories of Moralistic Horror (2011)

Yes, horror with a message! Murder with a point! Soup of Souls is an anthology from Panic Press, and is all about making the world better with carnage. Maybe.

My story is called 1,000,000 and, to be honest, it is ridiculous and probably not the finest and most thematically rich thing I've ever written. Lots of corpses. Seriously, LOADS. Kinda fun though.

Available from Lulu as an expensive hardback, not to mention a slightly less expensive paperback and, last of all, a reasonably priced PDF.

Online free material!

Blogging about the work of others!

If you can remember any of my own work that I've forgotten to include, let me know. My memory sometimes lapses.