Nick Bryan Dot Com

NaNoWriMO - Vascillation Continues

I’ve been back and forth on doing NaNoWriMo in 2010 for some time now. It is always fun, but also stressful, life-consuming and tends to leave me with manuscripts that are based on decent ideas, but not really well written enough to do anything with. At least, not without ridiculously extensive editing.

Around two weeks ago, I concluded I’d probably try and get a chunk of words done on a new novel in November, but would have to play somewhat fast and loose with the official NaNo rules. I’ve always done this anyway, as I never actually finish the stories in the allotted 50,000 words.

So, I have made up some ridiculously complex personalised rules for myself. I won’t bore you with them, but it involves trying to do about 1,000 words a day, then read over them to make the writing less clunky. And if I miss a day, so be it. No cumulative backlog power-dumps.

This means I’m likely to end up writing… maybe 25 - 30,000 words at an absolute maximum? Which, by NaNo standards, is crap, but is a decent chunk on a new novel and might help me decide if this story idea is working. And hopefully they will be words I don’t venomously hate.

So, yeah, I’m doing NaNoWriMo very badly. Good luck to those of you doing it properly and if you wish to add me on the official NaNoWriMo site, feel free.

(Also, I’m so busy tomorrow with regular blogging/MA stuff that I may not even get my words done. On the first day. This hardly bodes well.)

Friday short story time: "All Quiet"

Last week, I did not manage to post a story, as I was trying to rattle through a draft of my long-in-progress novel. (If it makes it any better, I did succeed.) This week, I am back, with a story not at all inspired by both a library tour I went on earlier this week and an incident when my phone battery died overnight and I therefore slept in late.

Oh, and I could claim it’s a Halloween edition , there’s a bit of a horror vibe in there somewhere. If you squint and really look for it. If you want more stories, you’re in luck.

The Doctor guest-stars in Sarah Jane Adventures this week, making this a hugely anticipated Dork Adore review. (By me.)

Link: The Doctor guest-stars in Sarah Jane Adventures this week, making this a hugely anticipated Dork Adore review. (By me.)

I take a break from my usual Dork Adore territory of TV reviews to bring you... the BBC1 HD channel!

Link: I take a break from my usual Dork Adore territory of TV reviews to bring you... the BBC1 HD channel!

Spooks contains scenes of lunacy and retired men. Approach with caution. Review on Dork Adore.

Link: Spooks contains scenes of lunacy and retired men. Approach with caution. Review on Dork Adore.

This week on Merlin, an evil witch goes on a picnic. Review on Dork Adore, predictably.

Link: This week on Merlin, an evil witch goes on a picnic. Review on Dork Adore, predictably.

The latest Sarah Jane review on Dork Adore. If nothing else, check out the Facebook joke in the second paragraph.

Link: The latest Sarah Jane review on Dork Adore. If nothing else, check out the Facebook joke in the second paragraph.

My Dork Adore review of The Social Network, a film I was anticipating more than any other. (So, yes, it's not that negative.)

Link: My Dork Adore review of The Social Network, a film I was anticipating more than any other. (So, yes, it's not that negative.)

Dork Adore review of Monday's Spooks, in which I mention Barack Obama.

Link: Dork Adore review of Monday's Spooks, in which I mention Barack Obama.

My Dork Adore review of Saturday's Merlin, hooray!

Link: My Dork Adore review of Saturday's Merlin, hooray!

Friday short story time: "If You Build It"

This week, a new story about over-reactions and animals and stuff. I like this one, so will spare you the pre-amble/excuses. Click the ‘More’-type link below to read it.

If you like this too and want some other stories, there are a few online here now, surely there must be at least one you haven’t read. Thank you to everyone who has read previous efforts and left nice comments, I do read and appreciate all.

The series four premiere of The Sarah Jane Adventures reviewed on Dork Adore.

Link: The series four premiere of The Sarah Jane Adventures reviewed on Dork Adore.

A Dork Adore piece I wrote a while ago, summing up the various streaming TV options available. I'm quite fond of it.

Link: A Dork Adore piece I wrote a while ago, summing up the various streaming TV options available. I'm quite fond of it.

The latest episode of Spooks gets my Dork Adore review treatment. Ruth AND the Cold War!

Link: The latest episode of Spooks gets my Dork Adore review treatment. Ruth AND the Cold War!

A preview piece for Dork Adore about why everyone should check out the new Sarah Jane Adventures series!

Link: A preview piece for Dork Adore about why everyone should check out the new Sarah Jane Adventures series!

New Merlin review on Dork Adore! Features a photo of an attractive actress with a knife! Read it or weep!

Link: New Merlin review on Dork Adore! Features a photo of an attractive actress with a knife! Read it or weep!

Friday short story time: "The Accident"

This week’s story is shorter than usual. More stories are available here, there must be at least one you haven’t read. Just for those of you who are seriously bothered by this shortness.

Latest Spooks review now up on Dork Adore. Happily, it was a good one.

Link: Latest Spooks review now up on Dork Adore. Happily, it was a good one.

Last night's Merlin, reviewed with magical efficiency.

Link: Last night's Merlin, reviewed with magical efficiency.

My final For Books' Sake Banned Books piece: the classic Of Mice And Men by Steinbeck.

Link: My final For Books' Sake Banned Books piece: the classic Of Mice And Men by Steinbeck.

Friday short story time: "Staw II"

Firstly, another story of mine went onto the internet yesterday, it is called “Roof Puncher” and you can read it by clicking on this enormous link. Thanks to the webzine Suburban Fool for seeing fit to use it.

This week’s Friday story is a dubious homage to the Saw movies (none of which I have seen in their entirity). It is also another example of the decline in taste and decency that seems to take place whenever I am left to plan these on my own. So it’s not big or clever, but hopefully it is amusing. (And don’t worry, this isn’t a sequel, you haven’t missed the original “Staw”.)

A Dork Adore piece in which I try to persuade you to watch the new BBC sitcom Him & Her.

Link: A Dork Adore piece in which I try to persuade you to watch the new BBC sitcom Him & Her.