Nick Bryan Dot Com

Script Frenzy 2011 - Preamble

Yes, it’s time for a non-story blog post. I am (probably) going to be doing Script Frenzy in April, so I thought I would do a nice intro to it. After all, Script Frenzy is the scripting equivalent of NaNoWriMo, and I did a preamble blog for them.

Script Frenzy requires I produce 100 pages of script in a month, which doesn’t sound too hard. After all, I wrote a sitcom script a couple of months back, and ended up producing 35 pages in less than three days, so I’m going into this primarily with the attitude that it’ll be a fun aside that won’t dominate my life.

If it does take over my writing time completely, I will probably ditch it and focus on the novel, but I have found a scripting project I actually want to do, so hopefully this won’t be too futile. I have a novel I wrote for NaNo a few years back which I thought might make a decent comic book. (Or “graphic novel” if you’re unwilling to admit you read comics.)

Thus I’ll be attempting the adaptation process. This carries the added bonus of not requiring a new idea, only a bit of re-planning.

Fans of this website will be sad to hear it may stop me producing Friday stories during the month of April, sorry about that. I may attempt some blog posts about Script Frenzy; if not, there will definitely be updates on my Twitter. Oh, and if you too are doing Script Frenzy, feel free to add me as a “Writing Buddy” or whatever people do.

Friday short story time: "Birthday Presence"

Today is my birthday. I did consider some kind of full-length blog post on the subject, but I am not sure I have much to say beyond that. Life is decent, I am well, so I am posting a regular Friday short story instead. It is birthday themed, and I am very proud of the pun in the title.

As ever, you can see more short stories here, and I hope you like the new one.

I review Becoming Human, a show about midgets re-enacting Being Human, for the nice Dork Adore people.

Link: I review Becoming Human, a show about midgets re-enacting Being Human, for the nice Dork Adore people.

Man Vs Camera #104: Dying Hard For A Cuppa

Friday short story time: "Underground Angels"

Good morning. Today’s story was inspired by a brief Twitter interaction I had with pleasant authoring chap Nick Harkaway. Do read his book The Gone-Away World, it’s pretty fun.

I would write more pre-amble, but I am quite tired and have to put some trousers on and go to work in a minute. More stories are available. Thank you.

The last Outcasts review for Dork Adore. Funereal sigh.

Link: The last Outcasts review for Dork Adore. Funereal sigh.

Man Vs Camera #103: Novelty Pen Homework Party Time

Friday short story time: "Crayons"

On a suggestion from my Creative Writing MA tutor, I seem to be writing about schools a bit at the moment, and I see no reason you guys should escape. So this is a story about teachers and, yes, it is ridiculous.

However, I sent it to my little sister, an actual primary school teacher, for fact-checking, and she approved it, so there must be a grain of truth in there somewhere. Well, maybe half a grain.

And if you liked this, more small stories are available.

My penultimate Outcasts review is up on Dork Adore, also containing the reason I am a huge optimist.

Link: My penultimate Outcasts review is up on Dork Adore, also containing the reason I am a huge optimist.

Man Vs Camera #102: Planted Beans

New Outcasts review on Dork Adore! Slow pace + clones + visions = Uhh!

Link: New Outcasts review on Dork Adore! Slow pace + clones + visions = Uhh!