Nick Bryan Dot Com

The penultimate Doctor Who of the current run, reviewed gloriously on Dork Adore.

Link: The penultimate Doctor Who of the current run, reviewed gloriously on Dork Adore.

Friday short story time: "The Idiot Proof"

After a slightly longer gap than intended, as I attempted to get back into the swing of writing new material for my long-in-progress novel, here is another Friday short-flash story type thing.

This week, with rare topicality, I am hovering around the notion of the Rapture, the religious event scheduled for last weekend. Apparently the righteous were meant to disappear to heaven, leaving the rest of us to wallow in our morally bankrupt filth; I have tweaked the concept a little. I don’t think this qualifies as satire, but I’ve been wrong before.

As ever, more stories are available, and I’ve also posted some mildly amusing diagrams in the last month.

Primeval returns, as do my reviews for Dork Adore. Be afraid.

Link: Primeval returns, as do my reviews for Dork Adore. Be afraid.

Review of last night's Doctor Who episode, "The Rebel Flesh", now up on Dork Adore.

Link: Review of last night's Doctor Who episode, "The Rebel Flesh", now up on Dork Adore.

A (very) brief preview of a story by me that will soon be in an anthology. I'm quite excited.

Link: A (very) brief preview of a story by me that will soon be in an anthology. I'm quite excited.

My Dork Adore review of this week's Doctor Who episode, written by Neil Gaiman. The review features some pretty awful themed puns, as ever.

Link: My Dork Adore review of this week's Doctor Who episode, written by Neil Gaiman. The review features some pretty awful themed puns, as ever.

Friday the 13th - a Venn diagram

To mark my 50,000th tweet on my Twitter account, I have made this graph, detailing my time on Twitter and the major successes and failures therein. Think yourself lucky, I was considering writing that up as a blog post. (You may want to click on it to make it bigger, as it’s barely legible at this size.)

Oh, and if you haven’t seen the ludicrous hat webcomic mentioned there, it’s called Behatted and is still up for your viewing pleasure. Some of it is even quite funny, though the art is terrible, as I can’t draw.

Psychoville series two is on. I enthuse about this fact on Dork Adore for a bit.

Link: Psychoville series two is on. I enthuse about this fact on Dork Adore for a bit.

New Doctor Who review on Dork Adore. It's the pirate episode, so arr, shiver me timbers, etc etc.

Link: New Doctor Who review on Dork Adore. It's the pirate episode, so arr, shiver me timbers, etc etc.

My Dork Adore review of Thor is up. Features a few geeky moments and brief mention of my testicles.

Link: My Dork Adore review of Thor is up. Features a few geeky moments and brief mention of my testicles.