Nick Bryan Dot Com

Friday short story time: "Semaphore"

Hello. Welcome to another amazing Friday story. I would type more but I woke up late and panic is beginning to set in. However, I should mention that I am going to be attempting some kind of disciplined push on The Novel in the month of August, so Friday stories might be scarce (or non-existent) in the coming weeks.

But, as ever, you can always pick through the archives for past efforts you haven’t read if you miss them badly.

Third Torchwood Dork Adore review of series 4! It's still quite painfully average!

Link: Third Torchwood Dork Adore review of series 4! It's still quite painfully average!

Friday short story time: "Modern Methods"

This week’s Friday story is one of those things that just comes to you. Then you write it down. Then you stop for about a day to try and think of an ending. Then you wonder if it was really a good idea.

Still, I’m off to Belgium for the weekend shortly, so I don’t have time to write anything different, Enjoy! (As ever, more stories are available.)

The All-New All-American Torchwood takes things to a higher plane in my latest Dork Adore review.

Link: The All-New All-American Torchwood takes things to a higher plane in my latest Dork Adore review.

My reaction to a banner advert for the Captain America “fragrance”, documented. Click to enlarge.

My Dork Adore review of Arrietty, a touching movie I really liked . Don't worry, there's still jokes about kidnapping kids.

Link: My Dork Adore review of Arrietty, a touching movie I really liked . Don't worry, there's still jokes about kidnapping kids.

Friday Short Story Time: "Threesome At Dead Rock"

A strange title this week. And it came together slowly over the course of the week, I’m not sure if it’s any good or not, but I’ll let you decide for yourselves.

Oh, I saw Harry Potter last night. It was pretty fun, especially the actiony bits, although some of the big emotional moments were a bit flat for me, and that epilogue is as silly on film as it was in the book. Still, fans will love it.

Now, on with the usual. More stories available around here if you want them.

Review of the new Torchwood now up on Dork Adore. Its not bad, you know. (Could be better, but still not bad.)

Link: Review of the new Torchwood now up on Dork Adore. Its not bad, you know. (Could be better, but still not bad.)

A new album on Facebook of 102 new Man Vs Camera photos, including a lot of dubious colour effects. Enjoy!

Link: A new album on Facebook of 102 new Man Vs Camera photos, including a lot of dubious colour effects. Enjoy!

Friday short story time: "Monkeys Vs Pigeons"

This week, in the traditions of such high-concept stories as Cowboys & Aliens, Pride & Predjudice With Zombies and Pirates VS Lib Dems, I have done Monkeys Vs Pigeons. It is slightly shorter than some of the Friday stories because, let’s be honest, there isn’t that much mileage in the joke.

And yes, this is some light relief after last week’s thoughtful look at mortality. You can read the archives here, and I might consider something more serious next week.

Friday short story time: "Thank You For Watching"

Morning. This week’s story was written after I drank some port and developed a strange fever. That’s my excuse, anyway. Also, I’m trying to challenge myself, so the style is perhaps a little different from usual. Yes, that is another excuse.

As ever, feel free to read the backlog. Some of it is about zombies.