Nick Bryan Dot Com

The latest group X Factor write-up on Digital Fix, featuring a (somewhat grumpy) few paragraphs from me.

Link: The latest group X Factor write-up on Digital Fix, featuring a (somewhat grumpy) few paragraphs from me.

First Doctor Who review of the new half-series on Dork Adore. Let's Kill Their Web Servers!

Link: First Doctor Who review of the new half-series on Dork Adore. Let's Kill Their Web Servers!

The preview/predictions for the new Doctor Who episodes on The DigitalFix, including some recap haikus for early series six by me, as well asa paragraph of predictions.

Link: The preview/predictions for the new Doctor Who episodes on The Digital Fix, including some recap haikus for early series six by me, as well as a paragraph of predictions.

And if you like those, you can read my haiku representations for the first Matt Smith year on this very website.

New Torchwood review on DorkAdore, looking at pointless sex and violence and thinking "Aww, the good old days".

Link: New Torchwood review on DorkAdore, looking at pointless sex and violence and thinking "Aww, the good old days".
Still hosted on old Tumblr site, click back to listen.

My latest, apparently weekly, news broadcast. This week, Steve Jobs steps down from Apple, GCSE results step up their grades, the US earthquake destroys everyone’s steps and the cat steps up its reign of terror.

This is the end of my Confessions highlights package. More are available on the old Confessions blog if you like, namely the ones I decided weren’t good enough to come across here.

Communal review of X Factor up on The Digital Fix, including 200 words by me.

Link: Communal review of X Factor up on The Digital Fix, including 200 words by me.

Friday short story: There isn't one

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that my novel blitz during August might lead to a lack of Friday stories. And I squeezed one out for my anniversary, but reality has now caught up with me. If you want new material, a few of my experimental mock news broadcasts have been going up, along with sundry TV blog posts.

In addition, I’ve churned out this quick blog about the writing process behind these Friday stories. I don’t usually talk about that stuff, so thought it might have novelty value. If this is of no interest to you, stop reading here.

Latest Torchwood review on Dork Adore sees the show get stuck in a rut, again. And again. And again.

Link: Latest Torchwood review on Dork Adore sees the show get stuck in a rut, again. And again. And again.
Still hosted on Tumblr, click back to listen.

My latest news broadcast thing, exploring A Level results as well as the imminent return of both Big Brother and X Factor. 1.5 minutes of your life that you’ll never get back, but hopefully you won’t mind too much.

A mid-way review of The Killing US for The Digital Fix TV section. Some might say it moves slowly.

Link: A mid-way review of The Killing US for The Digital Fix TV section. Some might say it moves slowly.

Spooks is ending this year! The nice people at The Digital Fix let me write a heartfelt eulogy for the constantly angsting spies.

Link: Spooks is ending this year! The nice people at The Digital Fix let me write a heartfelt eulogy for the constantly angsting spies.

The latest Torchwood review for Dork Adore, and I'm starting to worry about these falling into a pattern.

Link: The latest Torchwood review for Dork Adore, and I'm starting to worry about these falling into a pattern.
Still hosted on the old Tumblr website, folks.

A second news broadcast by me, this time covering today’s Parliamentary debate on anti-riot measures. I’m still getting the hang of this, feedback welcomed.

If you want to check out my first attempt, you can still listen to it here. (For now, at least.)


A small picture by Nicholas Matthew Bryan, aged 27 and a third.

You'll need to go back to the old Tumblr site to hear this. I'm afraid.

A mock news broadcast I recorded, using my actual voice, at 1AM on a Sunday morning. It’s only one minute long. Unsure whether I’ll ever attempt anything like this again - I don’t hate it as much as I expected to.

Friday short story time: "Duck And Cover"

Last week, I said there would probably be no story this Friday, but then I realised today marks (almost) one whole year since I first posted this story about ducks and the whole tradition began! So I thought I would strain one more out to mark my own anniversary. Admittedly, I haven’t quite managed a story a week, this will be the 31st I’ve posted in that time, but still.

In an indulgent homage to myself, this story also features a duck, and you can see the rest of the backlog as ever. Enjoy!

My weekly Dork Adore Torchwood review features a joke about Pythagoras's Theorem. Oh yeah.

Link: My weekly Dork Adore Torchwood review features a joke about Pythagoras's Theorem. Oh yeah.

I’m porting over some of the better efforts from my old The Confessions blog, to try and make this a more definitive chronicle of my “work”. I’ll post a couple a day until I run out. Enjoy! (I hope)

I drew this. It is called “Camping”.

Yeah, I don’t know.