Nick Bryan Dot Com

This week, The Digital Fix does the top ten final episodes and I write up a couple of them. Crucially, one of mine is number one.

Link: This week, The Digital Fix does the top ten final episodes and I write up a couple of them. Crucially, one of mine is number one.

Friday short story time: "The Big Handshake"

This Friday story came to me remarkably easily, so it’ll probably either be brilliant or forgettable. Not sure. I think it might be somewhat of an inside joke, to be honest, but we’ll see.

And if you like it (or any of the others), you can still buy the anthology containing my 12,000 word piece “Blood Will Stream”, of which more details here. Or you can read the entire Friday story archives for free as ever.

Advance review of the third episode of Spooks on The Digital Fix, spoilers excluded.

Link: Advance review of the third episode of Spooks on The Digital Fix, spoilers excluded.

And, included for completeness’s sake, there is a “Meet The Team feature up on The Digital Fix too, which includes a picture of my real human face. Exciting, I know.

"Blood Will Stream" - New story available in actual book!

Hi! I have news!

A medium-length story I wrote called Blood Will Stream is in a new anthology called Standing In The Kitchen At Parties, from indie publisher Deserted By Dignity. (Yes, both those names do work pretty well for me.)

The story itself is about one woman’s quest to kill her boyfriend and stream it live over the internet. And I work part-time in IT and use a lot of social networking sites, so it’s obviously going to be 100% technically accurate.

Anyway, this does mean you’ll need to spend some currency to get hold of it, but the story is 12,000 words long, so you’re getting a decent chunk of me for your money. (That’s twelve times as long as the stories I post here on Fridays.) The publisher has posted a brief preview of my part on their website.

You can buy the book from Amazon UK, Amazon US, probably other branches of Amazon too. It isn’t up for Kindle yet, but I think that’s coming. For those of you who are not made of money and don’t care about having a real book, you can also get it in PDF format from Lulu for a much cheaper price.

(Although, for what it’s worth, I have the proper book and it’s a nice package. I’m rather pleased.)

Anyway, this is a big step for me, so I’m excited. If anyone buys the book and wants to let me know what you thought, there is a comment section below, or I also have an email address.

Latest Spooks review up on Dork Adore, as our heroes face the up-to-the-moment issue of... Spookileaks!

Link: Latest Spooks review up on Dork Adore, as our heroes face the up-to-the-moment issue of... Spookileaks!

My weekly small segment in the Digital Fix group X Factor review. At least something happened this week.

Link: My weekly small segment in the Digital Fix group X Factor review. At least something happened this week.

The penultimate Doctor Who of series 6, reviewed on Dork Adore with excitement.

Link: The penultimate Doctor Who of series 6, reviewed on Dork Adore with excitement.

Social Media Blitz

Because all the cool blogs seem to have them, and because Facebook seems to be taking more steps towards world domination and I want to make sure I’m “in there”, I have created a Facebook page for Nick Bryan Dot Com.

If you want to get updates without having to visit this blog or mess around setting up an RSS feed, just ‘like’ that and away we go.

Oh, and to a similar end, there’s also now a links-only Twitter feed for the site, for anyone who enjoys the writing but can do without the inane rambling on my personal one.

This has been an administration update. I do have some interesting news coming soon, I promise.

The Digital Fix counts down the top ten first episodes ever. I rave on about two Aaron Sorkin shows.

Link: The Digital Fix counts down the top ten first episodes ever. I rave on about two Aaron Sorkin shows.

Friday short story time: "Taking It On The Chins"

New Friday story this week! Brought to you by a particularly agonising series of rewrites. Anyway, I gather no-one likes seeing how sausages are made, plus if I don’t put some trousers on soon I’m going to be late for work, so let’s brush over that. More stories available in the archives.

A short look at the new Channel 4 show Fresh Meat, also for The Digital Fix.

Link: A short look at the new Channel 4 show Fresh Meat, also for The Digital Fix.

Advance non-spoiling review of Sunday's Spooks episode 2 now up on The Digital Fix. I do also write about things other than Spooks.

Link: Advance non-spoiling review of Sunday's Spooks episode 2 now up on The Digital Fix. I do also write about things other than Spooks.

Full review of Spooks series 10, episode 1, now up on Dork Adore.

Link: Full review of Spooks series 10, episode 1, now up on Dork Adore.

Review of Doctor Who's "The God Complex" episode now live on Dork Adore for your joy-reading.

Link: Review of Doctor Who's "The God Complex" episode now live on Dork Adore for your joy-reading.

I contributed a few slightly annoyed paragraphs to this week's mass X Factor review on The Digital Fix.

Link: I contributed a few slightly annoyed paragraphs to this week's mass X Factor review on The Digital Fix.

Friday short story time: "Sealed"

After attending the Out Of This World exhibition at the British Library on Tuesday, featuring lots of sci-fi books on sticks, I decided I’d attempt science-fiction this week. Admittedly, it isn’t exactly hardcore aliens and time travel.

Oh, and for fans of stories what I wrote, I may have some exciting news soon. Maybe, just maybe.

The final Torchwood: Miracle Day review on Dork Adore! Features Captain Jack menstruating backwards!

Link: The final Torchwood: Miracle Day review on Dork Adore! Features Captain Jack menstruating backwards!

I sampled the new Doctor Who online video Facebook app thing for Dork Adore and wrote a blog post about it!

Link: I sampled the new Doctor Who online video Facebook app thing for Dork Adore and wrote a blog post about it!

Advance review of the first new Spooks episode for The Digital Fix. Actually written in advance! Wow. (Don't worry, I've tried to avoid spoilers.)

Link: Advance review of the first new Spooks episode for The Digital Fix. Actually written in advance! Wow. (Don't worry, I've tried to avoid spoilers.)

New Doctor Who review on Dork Adore, in which I intuit the video game preferences of the creative staff.

Link: New Doctor Who review on Dork Adore, in which I intuit the video game preferences of the creative staff.

Friday short story time: "A Man You Don't Meet Every Day"

I wasn’t entirely sure I was going to manage a story this week, but then I got a cold and decided there was no way I was doing another audio recording when my voice sounded like a broken robot. So I mustered up all my inspirational powers and wrote a short one about… a man being sick.

Yes, the creativity was on fire this week. It’s named after this Pogues song, which I was listening to extensively when I wrote it but has little to do with the actual plot. As ever, more stories are available.

Dork Adore review of the penultimate Torchwood. Surely it is now action time?

Link: Dork Adore review of the penultimate Torchwood. Surely it is now action time?

New Doctor Who review on Dork Adore of the all-new, all-scary Night Terrors.

Link: New Doctor Who review on Dork Adore of the all-new, all-scary Night Terrors.

Man Vs Camera #106: Train Corner View

Up now on The Digital Fix: A preview of the mighty Outnumbered's new series.

Link: Up now on The Digital Fix: A preview of the mighty Outnumbered's new series.

Episode 8 of Torchwood: Miracle Day reviewed for Dork Adore. With mere weeks to go, it must be time to pick up the pace?

Link: Episode 8 of Torchwood: Miracle Day reviewed for Dork Adore. With mere weeks to go, it must be time to pick up the pace?
Audio still available on old Tumblr site.

In this week’s news broadcast, I take on the sudden omnipresence of football in my news consumption, seemingly (to me at least) much more so than in the last few years, and then that whole Nadine Dorries abortion counselling mess, just in case football was too dull and inoffensive.

Man Vs Camera #105: Hand Vs Scanner