Tuesday Serial Time: "Satellite Four"
Posted by
Nick Bryan
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The final part of the “Satellite” serial, posted slightly later than normal in the day. Sorry about that, but I went to an all-night NaNoWriMo writing session on Saturday, it was a lot of fun, but my sleep patterns took a bit of a beating. Finally slept for 11 hours last night, which will hopefully get me back on track.
Anyway, you don’t care about this “Dear diary” stuff. This is the fourth part of a serial, so you may want to read Satellite One, Satellite Two and Satellite Three if you want to understand what in hell’s going on. Let’s see if I can wrap this up in a vaguely satisfactory way.
Anyway, you don’t care about this “Dear diary” stuff. This is the fourth part of a serial, so you may want to read Satellite One, Satellite Two and Satellite Three if you want to understand what in hell’s going on. Let’s see if I can wrap this up in a vaguely satisfactory way.
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Monday, 28 November 2011
man vs camera,
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New Merlin review on Dork Adore, in which I pine over Lancelot and try to sound serious occasionally.
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Wednesday, 23 November 2011
man vs camera,
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Tuesday Serial Time: "Satellite Three"
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Tuesday, 22 November 2011
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It’s time for more serial, because November is nearly over and I’m horrifically behind on my NaNoWriMo targets. Never mind. At least I managed to write this in time, just about.
If you haven’t been following it already, this is the third in a four part serial, the first two of which were cleverly called Satellite One and Satellite Two.
If you haven’t been following it already, this is the third in a four part serial, the first two of which were cleverly called Satellite One and Satellite Two.
Posted by
Nick Bryan
man vs camera,
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An excited preview about the return of The Killing on The Digital Fix. (The Danish one, not the ropey remake.)
Review of the latest Walking Dead for Dork Adore. It's basically a gushing love letter to Daryl Dixon.
Tuesday Serial Time: "Satellite Two"
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Time for the second part of the serial, cleverly entitled “Satellite Two”. You might be able to take an intuitive stab at what the other two will be called. And yes, this too has been written as part of my NaNo word count.
For those just joining us, you may want to read Satellite One before continuing…
Time for the second part of the serial, cleverly entitled “Satellite Two”. You might be able to take an intuitive stab at what the other two will be called. And yes, this too has been written as part of my NaNo word count.
For those just joining us, you may want to read Satellite One before continuing…
My contribution to The Digital Fix group X Factor review now up. And check back an hour or so after Sunday's horror-broadcast for an update!
New Merlin review on Dork Adore, and the show is really trying to be "dark" this week. Old man torturing!
Link: New Merlin review on Dork Adore, and the show is really trying to be "dark" this week. Old man torturing!
Also, in trivia, this is the 501st post on this blog. Wow. (Yes, this might’ve been more exciting if I’d noticed in time for the actual 500th, but never mind.)
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Saturday, 12 November 2011
man vs camera,
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Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Friday, 11 November 2011
man vs camera,
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Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Thursday, 10 November 2011
man vs camera,
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Preview piece for The Digital Fix about tonight's Life's Too Short premiere, with Warwick Davis and Ricky Gervais.
Tuesday Serial Time: "Satellite One"
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Tuesday, 8 November 2011
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So, last Friday I warned you that I might be trying something a bit different with the website stories. Since I'm reliably producing a steady stream of fiction in November for NaNoWriMo, I have decided to move from the Friday Flash collective to the Tuesday Serial one.
And so, below is the first part of a four part story I'll be posting through the month of November. Next part is next Tuesday. Enjoy.
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Monday, 7 November 2011
man vs camera,
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Friday short story time: "Just Some Guy"
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Friday, 4 November 2011
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So, I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year to try and get some short stories out, and have decided that the website material totally counts as part of my word count. Therefore, I present to you the first 500ish words I wrote for NaNo.
It’s also a bonfire night themed story, because I own a calendar. Perhaps a little bit of a scary one too, maybe I’m not entirely over Halloween.
And next week, the website story routine may change a little. I’m working on something. For now, plenty more stories are available as ever. Oh, and I seem to have gone slightly crazy with Instagram lately, resulting in massive expansion to the photo category on this website. I may get over it soon.
It’s also a bonfire night themed story, because I own a calendar. Perhaps a little bit of a scary one too, maybe I’m not entirely over Halloween.
And next week, the website story routine may change a little. I’m working on something. For now, plenty more stories are available as ever. Oh, and I seem to have gone slightly crazy with Instagram lately, resulting in massive expansion to the photo category on this website. I may get over it soon.
Posted by
Nick Bryan
on Wednesday, 2 November 2011
man vs camera,
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