Nick Bryan Dot Com

News Surfing round-up on The Digital Fix! Pond Life semi-review! Red Dwarf space disaster! Exciting.

Link: News Surfing round-up on The Digital Fix! Pond Life semi-review! Red Dwarf space disaster! Exciting.

Latest review of Sinbad on Dork Adore. Has it improved yet, or will my despairing tone be continuing?

Link: Latest review of Sinbad on Dork Adore. Has it improved yet, or will my despairing tone be continuing?

Review of Charlie Brooker's A Touch of Cloth on Dork Adore. So subtle, you wouldn't notice it punching you in the face.

Link: Review of Charlie Brooker's A Touch of Cloth on Dork Adore. So subtle, you wouldn't notice it punching you in the face.

The Doctor Who: Pond Life debut episode on The Digital Fix, with brief commentary by me.

Link: The Doctor Who: Pond Life debut episode on The Digital Fix, with brief commentary by me.

I review The Walking Dead season 2 DVD on Dork Adore. Includes link to watch my favourite featurette online.

Link: I review The Walking Dead season 2 DVD on Dork Adore. Includes link to watch my favourite featurette online.

Latest TV news round-up on The Digital Fix, including Doctor Who "Pond Life" miniseries and some actor/writing squabbling.

Link: Latest TV news round-up on The Digital Fix, including Doctor Who "Pond Life" miniseries and some actor/writing squabbling.

Review of the BBC's exciting crime drama Accused on Dork Adore. Is it good? Or better than Sinbad, at least?

Link: Review of the BBC's exciting crime drama Accused on Dork Adore. Is it good? Or better than Sinbad, at least?

Writing About Writing About Writing

Currently, I am sweating over my Creative Writing MA portfolio. This has meant scaling back the blogging, or at least, only doing stuff that repeats every week. As I’ve said before, the writing is easy, having ideas is hard.

So, for this week’s blog post about writing: the painful art of commentating on your own work.

You might think blog posts about writing might prepare me for the 2,500 words commentary I have to produce about my 16,000 word portfolio. I hoped so too, but it turns out I never talk in detail about my own work, only that of other people, mostly in broad strokes. Nonetheless, here is what I have found so far whilst commentating my own material.

Latest Sinbad review on Dork Adore. Yeah, it's pretty bad, but please read the review anyway, I suffer for this.

Link: Latest Sinbad review on Dork Adore. Yeah, it's pretty bad, but please read the review anyway, I suffer for this.

Latest News Surfing on The Digital Fix! Includes ponderous look at Celebrity Big Brother, Doctor Who, Thick of It, Glee...

Link: Latest News Surfing on The Digital Fix! Includes ponderous look at Celebrity Big Brother, Doctor Who, Thick of It, Glee...

News Surfing column on The Digital Fix, rounding up new Joss Whedon Marvel TV, Doctor Who and X Factor news. Yes, X Factor.

Link: News Surfing column on The Digital Fix, rounding up new Joss Whedon Marvel TV, Doctor Who and X Factor news. Yes, X Factor.

Pirates, Zombies and Monkeys – Oh Christ!

Spider-Man and two monkeys riding a dinosaurFor every craft, there is an easy shortcut. In cooking, you can just add salt. In fashion, just wear black. In warfare, just launch a nuclear weapon.

And also in storytelling, you can just throw in vampires, zombies, pirates, monkeys, cowboys, aliens, wizards or one of the other big tropes. I’m not saying these things always suck (vampire joke), but I am weary of them being used as a substitute for new ideas.

Latest Sinbad review on Dork Adore. Can it continue last week's very slight improvement?

Link: Latest Sinbad review on Dork Adore. Can it continue last week's very slight improvement?

My write-up of the new Merlin trailer on Dork Adore, including possible connections to Batman.

Link: My write-up of the new Merlin trailer on Dork Adore, including possible connections to Batman.

Friday short story time: "From Above"

Another not-that-mature effort this time, perhaps, but it’s not very long and does include reference to the concept of “morphic fields”, so it’s not all lowbrow. And it’s probably an incorrect reference, but the lead character isn’t meant to be a scientist or anything.

Much like myself. Oh, and if you want to see the situation in which I wrote this, Tuesday’s post on writing environments still exists. This story came out of a conversation I had whilst on holiday in Austria, and is the closest you lot will get to a souvenir. Enjoy!

News Surfing round-up thing on The Digital Fix, including Doctor Who movie non-update, Jack Whitehall news, OTHER!

Link: News Surfing round-up thing on The Digital Fix, including Doctor Who movie non-update, Jack Whitehall news, OTHER!