Nick Bryan Dot Com

Hobson & Choi #20 - "Feeding Frenzy" UP NOW!

Chapter #20 of Hobson & Choi up now! The bloodbath in recent episodes comes to an end, but the aftermath will power us gloriously into the future! Plus TV recommendation!

And we're moving into the end of month charts, so if you fancy voting for some chapters, now would be an excellent time to do. Or if you're already up to date with voting, share the serial on social media or something. All help appreciated.

Thank you. And now, back to my dungeon to write #21.

New TV blogging: The Daily Show

Piece on The Daily Show, including reviews and instructions for legal international viewing.

Slowly but surely, I am getting my shit together after a long illness. Hobson & Choi should be on track for tomorrow. End of the month approaching, so Good time to vote for us, if so inclined.

"Extraordinary" - A Superhero Story for National Flash Fiction Day 2013

Today is National Flash Fiction Day, and I thought I'd whip up a story, since I did it last year.

So, below is my effort for 2013 - a superhero story, because that seemed to be where my head was at today. If you want to see some other flash work by me, I've included some links underneath the new story.

Hobson & Choi #19: "Little Questions"

Hobson & Choi #19 up now! The police finally arrive in force to ask our heroes some "Little Questions"!

Also features a brief report on that live reading from a couple of nights back - basically, it went pretty well, I was battling the early stages of my cold, but struggled through nonetheless. Good time had by all.

Oh, and it's nearly the end of the month, so if you fancy clicking the Vote button on a few chapters, now is a handy time. Danke.

New TV blogging: The White Queen

Review of The White Queen episode 1 on The Digital Fix!

Yes, updates have slowed here on the last week due to me rather unhelpfully catching a cold. Still, am gearing back up now - Hobson & Choi should be up later as usual.

Comic review: Superman Unchained

Review of Superman Unchained, the new Superman comic aimed to coincide with the Man Of Steel movie, up now on Many A True Nerd.

And remember, if you want to see me read Hobson & Choi #1 in a South London pub, here is the relevant Facebook event.

Inspiration Vs Plagiarism Vs Heroes Vs Satan


Recently on the ever-lovely Web Fiction Guide website, a discussion arose on whether it was wise to avoid reading other material similar to your work-in-progress, lest you subconsciously steal their ideas, and it's an interesting one. I'm sure I've seen the ever-blunt Warren Ellis post on one occasion that he was avoiding certain material as it was too close to something he was working on. This would be a better anecdote if I could remember any context at all.

But the point being: should we worry? After all, if it could happen to Ellis, it could easily happen to the rest of us.

Hobson & Choi #18: "Witness Box" - up now!

Hobson & Choi #18: "Witness Box"

The latest Hobson & Choi chapter hits the internet! Who was in the lift? What could it all mean? Find out now!

And if you're around in London next Tuesday and fancy hearing me reading the first chapter, here is the Facebook event where that can happen. Should be good - I will have business cards to dole out.

And finally, we've had a few reviews on the H&C Web Fiction Guide page, so check those out and even leave one yourself, if you're so inclined. Not all glowingly positive, but plenty of interesting feedback and it does seem to be striking some chords.

And that really is it, I think. More next week! Possibly some kind of event report on the reading, if I have time!

New TV blogging: Parks & Rec!

Parks & Recreation season 2 reviewed on The Digital Fix! Basically, it's one long gush, as I loved that show.

And now, off to begin publishing this week's Hobson & Choi. Back soon.

New TV blogging: Game of Thrones!

This is one of those times when a major series ends a run, and I end up writing about it for multiple sites. In this case, Game of Thrones concluded its third season this weekend just gone.

So I did a standard-length episode review for Dork Adore, including some extra length to discuss the season as a whole.

And then, just for good measure...

An epic Game of Thrones season 3 Mega-Review for Digital Fix, talking about all the storylines at once. Its pretty long, but hopefully fun, if you've been following Thrones and are interested in my opinion.

The Victorian Pauper Boy And The Shitty Fresh Prince - a tentative audio monologue

A while back, I recorded a few "topical" comical audio monologues - they were fun, but tiring and I'm not sure that was really my best genre. I might be doing a few things in the near future which involve recording my voice or reading live, so this seemed a good time to try and get back into it.

Ergo, below here is a 2:30 min ramble recorded on Audioboo. No attempts to compete with Twitter's timely one-liner merchants this time, just straight up ramble, hopefully mildly amusing. (And yes, when I say "straight up ramble", I mean roughly drafted beforehand in Word and recorded four times until I was happy.)

Between this and that garden video the other day, this site is becoming a veritable multimedia extravaganza.

Against A Dark Background & Cuckoo In The Nest - Some Book Reviews

Now that Many A True Nerd have snatched away my book/comic reviews, there isn't a huge amount of "original content" on this site. Yes, it's good that other people want me to write for them, but I do feel bad having my own blog be nothing but links and the occasional video of me in the garden.

In the near future, I might try and ready a post or two about where I'm at (or something less horrific-sounding), although my actual process hasn't changed much since I wrote this one, but for now - here are two books I've read recently and wanted to quickly get some thoughts down on. They have almost nothing in common with each other.

New TV blog: The Fall

After a diversion into comics/games earlier, back on to TV with a review of tonight's The Fall finale!

Good show, that was. We shall never see its like again. Well, until series two starts.

New blogs: Board games and comics!

Two pieces up on Many A True Nerd today...

Firstly, an effort on how I first started playing board games. I like this one, it's good fun, and also features Fluxx, beer and the Human Centipede.

And in more regular territory...

A comics review of Ten Grand by Straczynski and Templesmith. Good comic, this one.

Outdoor Hangover Survival Kit - A Very Brief Kinda-Vlog

A rare venture into video-blogging (vlogging?), as I discuss my hangover strategy live from the garden.

Hobson & Choi #17 - "Bleeding Upwards"

Hobson & Choi #17 - "Bleeding Upwards"
Latest Hobson & Choi chapter up on  Jukepop now! Hobson gets his hands and feet dirty, in advance of our best cliffhanger yet!
Also, some serial news: as well as hitting 23rd in the May Jukepop charts, I will also be reading chapter #1 of Hobson & Choi out in a Camberwell pub in a couple of weeks on Tuesday 18th June. Full details here, do come along if you like.
Exciting. For now, though, read, enjoy, vote for any chapters you can, it all helps.

New TV review: The Fall on Digital Fix

Latest review of the penultimate The Fall episode on Digital Fix. Good show, this.

And yes, I covered Game of Thrones on Dork Adore if that's your preferred Monday night telly.

New TV blogging: Game of Thrones!

Review of the latest, particularly traumatic, Game of Thrones episode up now on Dork Adore!

And elsewhere, Hobson & Choi was 23rd highest voted serial of May at Jukepop, which was an improvement on last month and all very lovely. Thanks for voting, keep it up, etc.

New TV blogging: Veep season 1!

I review the Veep season 1 DVD on The Digital Fix!

And if that makes you badly want to won the boxset, we're also giving away three copies of the blu-ray over at TDF.

New TV blogging: Matt Smith leaves Doctor Who!

The departure of Matt Smith from Doctor Who, as announced last night, has led me a-blogging in a couple of places...

First up, an opinion piece on his departure, possible replacements, etc, on Dork Adore.

And elsewhere:

More of a straight news piece on him leaving, with some story speculation and mathematics, on The Digital Fix.

Comic reviews: The Wake! X-Men! Many A True Nerd!

Two comic reviews on Many A True Nerd today...

First up, a joyous swing into the mainstream with Marvel's X-Men #1.

And, slightly off to one side:

New underwater horror series The Wake #1 from DC/Vertigo.