The Newsroom continues! Review on Digital Fix of this little down-time episode.
And elsewhere, we're approaching the end of July, so if you fancy voting for a few Hobson & Choi chapters, it would help my monthly top 30 efforts enormously. Danke.
The Newsroom continues! Review on Digital Fix of this little down-time episode.
And elsewhere, we're approaching the end of July, so if you fancy voting for a few Hobson & Choi chapters, it would help my monthly top 30 efforts enormously. Danke.
Picture the scene, if you will. I was at Latitude festival last weekend - evidence of attendance visible to your right - and arrived early for a talk in the literature tent. The previous speaker was still going. We had been sleeping in a tent and were quite tired (I pray thee cry us a river), so my girlfriend did the only sane thing under the circumstances and lay down on the floor, instantly falling asleep.
However I am a sleep-masochist, so stayed awake on the nice carpeted floor and listened to this man talk. And as I processed his words, something stirred within me. After some soul-searching introspection, I realised it wasn't exhaustion or my lunch, but an idea. Not just a small idea either, a large one that I could write a fair bit of stuff on. Hell, this might even be another novel idea.
I already have one book I'm writing, another I'm sending out to people, yet another I might write next, and of course my detective serial Hobson & Choi continuing on top of all of that. So, much as I enjoy a bit of inspiration, there comes a time when it all gets a bit much, and I think we're nearly there.
Good chapter this week, exciting 25th effort next week featuring big twists. In the meantime, though, vote for us! All the July chapters up now, we need a boost for the monthly top 30. Make it happen.
Cheers guys. I don't want to cause undue excitement, but I'm aiming to do a real blog post on this site soon...
Latest Dexter review on The Digital Fix! Dexter turns postman!
And that mostly concludes the week's TV blogging. Join me later for some Hobson & Choi!
Last item in a busy day of TV blogging: Luther finale review on The Digital Fix!
That's all for now. Well, until the next Dexter review on Thursday, to be precise.
Hello! I am back from Latitude (it was great, thanks) and ready to deploy some blogging. First up, here's a review I didn't manage to blog last week:
Last week's new Dexter on The Digital Fix!
And now, some genuinely new material:
In other serial news, we were recapped on the EpiCast podcast yesterday, so check that out to both hear them discuss Hobson & Choi and discover some other fun serial fiction based tidbits.
And no, you haven't nodded off and missed a day. H&C normally goes up on Thursdays, but I'm off to Latitude tomorrow AM, so wanted to get it up in time. This is probably also a good time to mention: updates on this blog might be quite sparse until early next week. If you want to see how the festival is going, I am aiming to text a few updates to my Twitter account.
Hope the summer weather isn't killing you too hard, guys. Back soon.
Two reviews in two different mediums today.
And meanwhile, in the weird world of comics...
The relaunch of superhero odd couple Quantum & Woody examined over on Many A True Nerd.
If Q&W ring a bell, I wrote this blog about the original series back here on the mothership last year. And speaking of odd couples, new Hobson & Choi going up a day early (i.e. later today) because I'm on holiday tomorrow. Exciting.
Review of The Newsroom season 2 premiere on The Digital Fix! Has it improved?
Unrelatedly, I've finished work for my holiday! Latitude beckons! Not going for a couple of days though.
To celebrate the return of The Newsroom, it's a small mini-season of two posts on TDF. By which I mean: tomorrow, I review season 2 episode 1!
Hope you're enjoying the serial, I feel we're just getting into the good stuff. Although, yes, this is another comparatively quiet phase after that five-part action sequence in the IGS building, but in a fun way.
Oh, and if you missed my interview with Online Novel Blog about Hobson & Choi and related matters, there's another link just there.
Review of Dexter season 8 episode 2 on The Digital Fix! The end is nigh, who will die?
More TV reviewing! But don't worry, fiction follows. Hobson & Choi chapter 22 up in the fairly near future...
Latest Luther reviewed on The Digital Fix, it was a bit scary.
Out of the cold, into the hay fever. Life is hard, readers.
So, yes, this is the exciting thing I was hinting at yesterday. Was published late yesterday night, but I was off watching the tennis. Still, people are interviewing me, I must be doing okay. Check it out.
And that exciting thing I was talking about might be landing later today. Wooo.
Not to mention, this is our 21st episode so we're now an adult in most countries! And we hit #22 in the monthly top 30 for June! Party time!
Seriously, thanks to everyone reading this who has taken the time to vote, retweet and anything else. Greatly appreciated. Hopefully something else cool and H&C-related coming up soon. (Potentially tomorrow.)
Dexter returns for final season! On The Digital Fix, I do a review.
And, yes, it's Thursday, so Hobson & Choi follows in a few hours. Also something quite cool and H&C related going up... soon, potentially tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Two new blog posts of mine that have gone up in recent days...
On Many A True Nerd, I cover the excellent webcomic Crossed: Wish You Were Here.
Meanwhile, on the television:
Luther reviewed on Digital Fix! Why am I wearing this poncho?
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