And today is the last day of November, so if anyone fancies reading/voting some Hobson & Choi to help us in the monthly charts, please do. Hope any of you rushing to finish NaNoWriMo make it.
Hobson & Choi #42 - "Found Property"
And elsewhere, yes, it is the final H&C chapter of Nov, the monthly top 30 is nigh, so if you've been meaning to catch up on reading/voting, now would be a tactically advantageous time to do it.
Or indeed spread the word somehow, that helps too. Still trying to work up some kind of wider strategy beyond hopeful tweeting. You can still review on Web Fiction Guide if you're so inclined.
But thanks for reading regardless. Enjoying the serial a lot at the moment, some fun stuff to come as we rush towards #50. I love round numbers, so fully intend to make something of that one. Exciting.
Thirty Nine Thousand, Six Hundred And Thirty Four Words - NaNoWriMo Ends Here! (WriteBlog #8)
Calendar fans will note that National Novel Writing Month runs another few days, until this Saturday, but for me, it is all over. Because, well, I finished my novel, and as discussed in these WriteBlogs at some length, that was the job.
I could probably find a few thousand words to put me over fifty thousand, maybe a between-chapters diversion where my characters embark on a lengthy game of Scrabble. But I don't really care. I have finished my novel.
Homeland review on The Digital Fix!
Latest Homeland review is now on The Digital Fix. See Carrie run!
So, I finished my NaNo project on Sunday. That was pretty exciting. More details of that excitement probably coming in a WriteBlog soon enough.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #13 - Lunch Club
Thirteen really is turning out oddly lucky for our heroes, as this week they don't have to eat anything disgusting! There is still food though. Meanwhile, I am doing NaNo whilst making out of date Who comments. You can also now read my actual review if you're so inclined.
You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #13 - Lunch Club by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud
TV review: Day of the Doctor!
The H&C Podcast will be with you... pretty soon, as I need to do all my internet admin in this space. Let's go go go!
Walking Dead review time!
This week's Walking Dead review on Dork Adore! The Governor is so lonely and bearded!
And enjoy the Day of the Doctor, fellow Who-people. My inevitable review should be up tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's my top eleven Matt Smith episodes on The Digital Fix.
NaNoWriMo Week Three - So it wasn't just a phase? (WriteBlog #7)
So, as of this writing, I am 31.3K words through NaNo, and the bad news is: barring a miracle, I am unlikely to make 50,000. I know, I was disappointed too. It's still possible I might finish the novel, then crunch through about five chapters of Hobson & Choi in advance to take me over the edge, but realistically I am probably going to pound out the final scenes early next week, then spend the rest of the month partying.
And by partying, I mean watching DVDs and tweeting. Nonetheless, there is good news too, and it was kinda spoilered in the last para: unless I break all my fingers in the next few days, I will most likely finish the first draft book I am working on. So that's nice, for reasons I already outlined last week. See adjacent graph for more detail on my word progress.
New TV blog: Homeland up late!
And if the earlier post wasn't persuasive enough, definitely check out Hobson & Choi, it is well good. (How is my new promo push going so far?)
Hobson & Choi #41 - "Rush Job"
Another chapter I particularly enjoyed writing, hopefully that will come across in the reading experience. Big extra-long resolutiony chapter next week!
I'm trying to do a wee bit of putting the word out about Hobson & Choi, so if you want to write a review on Web Fiction Guide that'd be awesome. Or indeed any other fiction site or your own blog or whatever. If you need a guest posting slot filled, I am happy to talk H&C or related issues.
If you want to help in a less labour-intensive way, you can vote for us on Top Web Fiction, which only requires a brief captcha-fill. Everything is good.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #12 - Bad Breakfast
It's the Bad Breakfast episode! Can Hobson finish the world's worst breakfast to win some info from his source? It's the episode my girlfriend told me not to let her listen to, as we go into full on anti-food-porn.
And back in the back matter, the never-ending NaNoWriMo battle still has not ended.
You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #12 - Bad Breakfast by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud
New TV review: Walking Dead on Dork Adore
Latest Walking Dead review on Dork Adore! The randoms are dying!
Today, I am off on NaNoRilla, the "guerilla novelling" event held as part of NaNo every year. Basically, we sit on the streets and type. So if you see a bunch of homeless-looking people round London with weirdly nice laptops, that's us!
Hobson & Choi #40 - Last Contact
So, can the duo survive last week's reveals about Hobson's past? Only one way to find out - go read, obviously.
And the podcast is just getting up to the quite fun Bad Breakfast section, so check that out too.
Now, I gotta do some NaNo. Maybe watch that Doctor Who prelude again a few more times. Adios.
TV review: Night of the Doctor!
New Doctor Who prelude thing reviewed! Is fun! On Dork Adore!
Hobson & Choi publication slightly delayed by this. Never mind. I'm starting on it now. But wasn't that prelude awesome?
NaNoWriMo 2013 - End of Day 13 - A Graph
NaNoWriMo Week Two - Book Existence (WriteBlog #6)
I was chugging along nicely with the novel for a while - it had been around three whole chapters since I last stopped and reworked half the rules of my fantasy setting - when I ground to a halt and thought: Right. Shit. This may not be working.
Hate it when that happens. Happily, after only three hours of staring into space and 507 words of notes, I was able to get back on track.
New TV blogging: Homeland!
Homeland review on The Digital Fix!New villain does bad thing!
Seriously, it's dark out there.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #11 - The Dark Spoons
What are... The Dark Spoons? Hobson and Choi dive deeper into the underworld this week, and it's all set-up for something truly disgusting next time.
Meanwhile, in the back pages, there's NaNoWriMo spilt everywhere and I recommend Crossed: Wish You Were Here, available from
You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #11 - The Dark Spoons by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud
New TV blog: Walking Dead!
Walking Dead review for the week up now on Dork Adore, as the sad characters go for a grim walk.
And now, I'm off for a four hour NaNo write-in. When next I post here, I will have words to my name.
Guest post about pushing webserials
I did a similarly themed blog here back in March but this one has more experience and a blog-friendly list format. So if my recent WriteBlog pieces have been too conversational for you, here's some structure.
Hobson & Choi #39 - "Management Conferences"
I guess I would say that. Anyway, as discussed in my NaNoWriMo writeblog earlier, we were #9 on Jukepop for October, so that was excellent. Thanks to all voters.
But quite aside from the voting business, I'm really really enjoying H&C at the moment and I hope that excitement is transmitting to those of you who read it.
And now, I will stop posting here for at least a day or two, after a slight mini-splurge of content. TTFN.
New TV review: Orphan Black
Orphan Black season 1 review on The Digital Fix!
And now, a short break before I return with this week's H&C chapter...
NaNoWriMo Week One - Uh-huh? (WriteBlog #5)
You wouldn't think I'd have time to dash off mid-length blogs about my writing process in the heart of the NaNoWriMo maelstrom, but I'm trying to treat this piece as a short warm-up for later greatness. However, if it seems slightly more rushed or badly spelt than usual, the month-long writing bender is my entire excuse.
So, I've been on the NaNo gravy train for nearly a whole week, I've written just under seven thousand words (so yes, I am pretty behind) - how is it going? Can I describe my experiences? Well.
New TV blog: Homeland on The Digital Fix!
Carrie goes to yoga, but exciting spy-type yoga! New Homeland review on The Digital Fix!
Back in the tedious real world, our heating is broken and several of my toes are numb. Oh well.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #10 - Day Two
The second day of the investigation begins, and time to check in with the locals again before heading out on the road! Meanwhile in OutroWorld, the crazy powertyping event of NaNoWriMo is upon us, which may explain why I'm talking so quickly...
For the second week running, fellow serial author Alastair JR Ball was integral to this podcast existing, stepping in when I failed to give myself access to the file. Show your gratitude by visiting his site at
You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #10 - Day Two by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud
New TV review: Walking Dead on Dork Adore!
New Walking Dead review on Dork Adore! Happy happy sadness!
And the NaNo's going pretty well, for anyone interested. Woo.