Nick Bryan Dot Com

Man Vs Synopsis (WriteBlog #14)

In the near future, I am going to an event where I will be presenting a synopsis and a short sample of my novel to Important People. This, logically, means I will need to write a synopsis, which is what I've been doing for the last week. I have now completed a version I can read without wincing, so it's time for the inevitable blog-hashing of what I feel I've learnt from this.

And for anyone who is actually worried, my synopsis itself does not feature in this post, so there will not be any spoilers for my half-edited unpublished novel about Satan. Furthermore, if you have a scary dream which you think would serve as a good ending, absolutely post details in the comments - there is still time for me to use it. Thanks.

Hobson & Choi #51 - "Excuses, Excuses"

Hobson & Choi #51 - "Excuses, Excuses"

Latest chapter up now, as Hobson tries to get out of doing someone a bad favour. Meanwhile, another Case One character returns...

Yes, we've moved past #50 and it feels weird, but lots of good story-stuff coming up, so hopefully we'll learn to live with it.

Meanwhile, back home, I have started a mailing list for news of my writing, and you should totally consider joining it. Form on the left side of the blog, or just click here if you're reading this in a non-site context...

Join the mailing list! Stuff will happen!

So, the other day I started a mailing list, but somewhat buried its announcement in my Hobson & Choi #50 retrospective blog. So, here's a post of its very own.

There is now a mailing list. The form to sign up can be found in the left sidebar of this blog, or I'll embed it at the bottom of this post. Mailings will be infrequent, once a month at the absolute most, and I'll only use it when something of substance happens/is about to happen. You will not get an inane message every week announcing when H&C goes up, don't worry.

In fact, if all goes well, there will be some news/preview material regarding an upcoming "thing" out there on the list in the next few weeks. So yeah, totally sign up. If the embed form below isn't working for you, you can also click here to get to another one. Ta very much.

Hobson & Choi Podcast #22 - The Private Life of Voles

The third day of the story dawns properly, as Hobson and Choi go after the Vole family at home. Meanwhile, out back, I discuss living in a post-Chapter-50 world.

You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.

Hobson & Choi Podcast #22 - The Private Life Of Voles by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud

Hobson & Choi #50 - "It Bites Back" PLUS Author's Thoughts At Fifty

Hobson & Choi #50 - "It Bites Back"

This is it! The double-sized fiftieth chapter of Hobson & Choi, as the first case finally comes back to bite our heroes in the face. Can Hobson get out of this, or is that whole redemption thing just not going to happen?

Click on the above link to find out. Meanwhile, since it's the glorious 50th episode, a pretty big achievement and very round number, this seemed a good time for some thoughts on the serial, how it's gone, where it's going, etcetera.

So that's all below - beware, spoilers for the story so far. I'll refrain from spoiling the new episode itself but anything up to #49 seems fair game.

Hobson & Choi Podcast #21 - Two Escapes

Both the heroes have to escape from their places of rest to join in the action! Can they defeat some journalists and Choi's Mum? Meanwhile, as #50 of the H&C prose serial hovers into view, Nick gets quite excited in the outro.

You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.

Hobson & Choi Podcast #21 - Two Escapes by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud

When the going gets tough, Nick Bryan goes on Tumblr (WriteBlog #13)

I don't know if I ever posted about this on here - I have a Tumblr account, it used to be my main website before I moved to this one. A couple of months ago, I chose a better theme and started using it in the same way as other Tumblrers do - mostly reblogging images and commenting below them. Feel free to follow if you like. A lot of it is comic-related, but sometimes not.

Anyway, I never started using it regularly - I had a starting spurt but died off. To be honest, Tumblr isn't entirely my thing. I'm more a words person than a pictures one, and I don't get emotionally attached to fictional characters in the animated-gif way. Until the last week or so, just as I reached the first genuinely hard part of my novel edits. What a remarkable coincidence.

Hobson & Choi #49 - "Go Ahead"

Hobson & Choi #49 - "Go Ahead"

H&C #49 up now! Past, present and future collide, as we lead right into next week's 50th episode extravaganza. All very exciting.

And yes, I know it's going to be amazing because I'm still in the middle of writing it - well, the tail end. A few hundred words to go. Certainly, it's going to be long.

Anyway, enjoy, there's at least one good joke about toilets in #49 alone. And as ever, feel free to celebrate the arrival of #50 by telling your friends how awesome we are or something. It all helps.

Final Sherlock review!

Last Sherlock review of the year on Dork Adore! Well, unless they rush series 4 out by the end of 2014, but that seems unlikely.

I've occasionally felt bemused by the level of occasional dislike towards this third Sherlock series on Twitter and such, but hey, I call them like I see them, and I'm happy as long as I'm entertained. This final episode also met that criteria.

Hobson & Choi Podcast #20 - Feeding Frenzy

Twenty episodes in and we're still going! This week, I voice the entire of the world's media and reveal the apparent weakness in the first draft of this episode. There's some Sherlock talk too.

You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.

Hobson & Choi Podcast #20 - Feeding Frenzy by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud

Killing Your Darlings - They warned me it would be rough, but still... (WriteBlog #12)

Since last I WroteBlogged, I've been editing my novel first draft in a few large sessions, along with keeping up my regular commitments. Long story short, I'm now three chapters into the edit and if I continue at this pace, I may even have something available to discuss at the next writing group meeting, after several quiet sessions while I waited to be happy with stuff.

So, in a bid to make this an interactive shared learning experience, here are my observations/thoughts/feelings from one whole week of hacking at the early parts of a rough early novel manuscript.

Hobson & Choi #48 - "Cafe Culture"

Hobson & Choi #48 - "Cafe Culture"

#48 up now! What ridiculous idea have Hobson & Choi settled on to reclaim the streets?

And yes, #50 is coming. Quite excited about this, even more so because my regular writing schedule means I get to start work on it in only a few days.

But first, more novel editing. If you fancy doing something to benefit the wider H&C cause, reviews still appreciated, either on Web Fiction Guide or even on your own blog. But just reading it is fine. We love readers.

We were fourth on the Jukepop Serials chart for December thanks to readers, after all. Cheers guys. Keep it up.

Sherlock review!

Dork Adore review of last night's Sherlock, in which John Watson gets married and a mystery eventually emerges.

And if that's not enough, there's another positive review of Hobson & Choi up on Web Fiction Guide. Hooray for reviewing stuff!

Hobson & Choi Podcast #19 - Little Questions

The IGS massacre continues this week in the story, as the police finally turn up. About time, really. Meanwhile, on the flipside, we've checked and it's definitely 2014 this time.

You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.

Hobson & Choi Podcast #19 - Little Questions by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud

2014 Novel Edits - if only there were as few as that... (WriteBlog #11)

Tomorrow is my first full day of writing time since the Great Christmas Pause a few weeks ago. I have a quiet spell ahead, so I'm hoping to get a little start on my 2014 work. I figured this was probably a good time to get back into these writing blogs.

So, what does that mean? After months of musing, contemplating and general hoping for the best, time to finally start editing that novel I finished at the end of November. Shit.

TV review: Sherlock returns!

Sherlock returns! But is it too meta? Or just meta enough? Review on Dork Adore.

Yes, I'm back slightly earlier than I thought with the Sherlock review. Good episode, I thought. And even better, only a few days until the next. Although it does mean the entire three-episode series will air in about a week and a half...

Hobson & Choi #47 - "Sweet Charity"

Hobson & Choi #47 - "Sweet Charity"

New chapter up now! Our heroes engage a little more with the issues around their new case - admittedly they have to be forced a bit, but it's a start.

And hello! First "official" me-material of 2014 and it's a new quite fun H&C chapter! A bit shorter than some recent efforts, which perhaps reflects my lack of intensive writing time, but features some fun moments and does provide the direction for the next few moves in this case.

Hope you all had a good new year, I will be back soon (tomorrow, probably) with vague musings upon my 2014 direction, but for now, have fun. I'm off to eat some soup.