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Hobson & Choi YouTube cameo round-up! See me abandon a copy of the book in a streetside shed!

A few weeks back, myself and Julianne Benford of This Fleeting Dream went on a wee walkabout around the Little Free Libraries of Walthamstow. These are basically tiny birdhouse-type mini-sheds, painted attractively and filled with books on a take-one-leave-one basis.

Obviously, it seemed a missed opportunity not to leave my one remaining copy of The Girl Who Tweeted Wolf (the first in my Hobson & Choi crime series) there, as well as various other books from around the house.

Julianne has made a video of this adventure, including the magic moment I placed the book in the tiny wooden house, which you can view right below...

And while I'm embedding videos, here's another one by writer friend and upcoming booktuber Claire Rousseau, in which she talks about various books in terms of coffee, including the Hobson & Choi titles.

Well, the second one does have a coffee cup on the cover and it's right there in the main thumbnail of the vid, which I think means it wins the whole thing.

If that isn't enough H&C YouTube action for you, you can revisit my second Blog Tour round-up post, which includes embedded video reviews of both books by The Book Moo!

Avengers: Age Of Ultron and the serialisation value of superhero movies

Avengers: Age of Ultron is out now all over the place, and I saw it on the opening Friday. The many solo film stars of the Marvel movies re-unite to take on an evil robot, ruptures form among the team and I'll refrain from over-describing the film as some people might still be avoiding spoilers.

It was good, though - not as no-reservations excellent as the first Avengers movie, due to Ultron not being quite as memorable as Loki and the sheer volume of characters taking away from focus. Sill, among the upper echelons of Marvel movies and successfully kept me invested in the whole Marvel monolith.

Anyway, this isn't going to be a straight review of the movie as there are plenty of those on the internet. The release of Avengers II served as a kinda peak point of a few months where I've been consuming a load of superhero media. Between DC's FlArrow shows, Gotham, Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil and Agent Carter, that's a whole lotta tights and tights-related material.

And that's without even counting Walking Dead and Constantine.

Point being: I love serialised fiction across all mediums, but it kinda started with comics. So I've been thinking a lot about how this stuff translates because... much as I've liked many superhero movies, I feel like TV might be the ultimate medium for them.