So, yeah, I joined DailyBooth. Very briefly. Didn’t really work, for the following reasons:
- I do not suffer from the kind of narcissism required to post a picture of my face on the internet every day. Yes, my Twitter account could well betray a different form of narcissism, but that’s for another day.
- And, sub-point of the above, even if you do post a picture of your face, no-one there cares if you’re not a girl anyway.
- AND definitely no-one cares about my pictures of random objects at stupid angles.
So yeah, not really for me. My account is still open, mostly because it’s currently impossible to delete your DailyBooth account. Seriously, it says “for the time being you will need to just hold off” in their FAQ. So I just removed most of the pictures instead.
I may re-post the two or three Daily Booth pictures I actually liked here under my “Man Vs Camera” photography heading thing, just so they aren’t lost forever.
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