Which means I got to update the published work page on this blog, for the first time since I created it last month! That was gosh-darn exciting, I can tell you.
But more to the point, I'm proud of the story. Read it now and get in at the very start, as teenager Angelina Choi finds her new job interning for a detective is nothing like she imagined. There's a good cliffhanger too, and realistic use of Twitter.
Obviously, I'll post the link here whenever a new chapter is available - hopefully every week. If you have a few minutes spare and are so inclined, you can register an account on the Jukepop site and vote for each individual chapter of the serial (once there is more than one). This would be helpful and appreciated by me in my bid to become successful in this internet fiction writing business.
But either way, it's up for both reading and voting purposes. Comments welcome either here or on the Jukepop site. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a fun little experiment.
TRIVIA: If you enjoy comic book references, the names are a small tribute to Hobson and Choy, obscure characters from my childhood Sonic The Hedgehog comics. Well, except that my spelling of "Choi" is different.
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