Nick Bryan Dot Com

Hobson & Choi #29: "Gone Quiet"

Hobson & Choi #29: Gone Quiet

Hobson & Choi #29 up now on Jukepop, featuring both a big twist in the case and an exciting announcement about the serial itself!

What the hell, I'll spoil the announcement, since this is my blog and you've bothered to come here: I'm doing a podcast! A Hobson & Choi Podcast to be precise. For those who have always wanted to have me read Hobson & Choi to them, starting from the beginning.

It'll release on Sundays, links will go up here and on the usual social media sites. It'll continue for at least a fair while because I want to do it, and possibly as long as there's H&C chapters if there's interest from listeners.

Anyway, that's in a few days. For now: latest chapter up on Jukepop, please do vote for us on there, because its the end-of-month top 30 soon and every little helps. Ta very much, guys.


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