The second Hobson & Choi podcast is with us! We're now officially not a one-hit wonder! Can we get past the difficult second episode, though?
Anyway, this week: Angelina Choi explains to her new boss why he has to fight a wolf and what their social media strategy is. And what "social media" is. Can she land the pitch? And in the Author's Notes section: why am I crying in a bin? All this and more!
You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.
Hope you like. More next week, and if you hate audio or badly want to know what happens next, episodes up to #30 are up on Jukepop too.
Hobson & Choi Podcast #2 - #HobsonVsWolf by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud
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