Nick Bryan Dot Com

Hobson & Choi #55 - "S.O.S."

Hobson & Choi #55 - "S.O.S."

Back for the second time this week, and this time it's Choi taking the spotlight. The mess has piled up pretty high - can she take control of the situation?

Yes, it's the second of our two updates this week. Happy birthday us! And after this, frankly, I'm going to have a nap. This has been far more of a battle than I anticipated.

Still, we made it, I'm fairly happy with both chapters, and I hope you are too. If you've enjoyed any of this, then as ever, consider leaving a review on Web Fiction Guide so others can do the same.

Now, I believe I have time for a brief lunch before writing something else. Good day to you all.


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