Nick Bryan Dot Com

Hobson & Choi #72: "Upward Mobility"

Hobson & Choi #72: "Upward Mobility"

The latest H&C chapter is up! Marvel as the shopping centre case moves to a whole new level!

Also, if you happen to hiding in the walls of my house, marvel as I force myself to achieve a baseline level of stuff even through a stabbing hangover-headache. Owwwww.

I'm currently editing the text of Hobson & Choi's first storyline for the upcoming self-published edition. The process has been interesting and there will be a blog post, but possibly over the weekend rather than the usual Friday morning, due to said hangover and the fact I'm meant to be out watching the football tonight.

Come on England, etc. In the meantime, enjoy H&C, see you fairly soon!


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