So, I’ve started posting pictures under the heading “Man Vs Camera”. You can see all of the pictures to date by clicking on the relevant tag on the blog. (As long as I remember to tag them.)
Why? Well, I haven’t done much photographing for a while and I used to quite enjoy it. Funny story: I did a photography course at college, but the eccentric tutor disappeared the week before she was due to mark our portfolios. So I will never know if I was really any good.
But I suspect I’m not any good. So I present these pictures with very little arrogance about their quality. Oh, and they’re taken on a phone camera for the most part, so they don’t have much quality in terms of megapixels either.
Ah well. I’ll try and do one a day, but imagine that won’t always happen. Think of it as a small, quite rubbish, photojournal. If you like.
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