Nick Bryan Dot Com

Not The First Post

Funny story.

I was in my office earlier, eating a Sainsburys ready meal curry with a disposable plastic fork and a coffee-stained teaspoon. I had half an hour or so before I needed to head out to LBM, a Meetup for London Bloggers.

I was in the middle of setting up this blog, and about to pen a nice opening message. Then I realised I had forgotten my key to the back door of the building (again), and needed to get out in the next ten minutes or risk getting locked inside.

All of which explains why the first two posts on my new personal blog ended up being items fed through from Feeding The Black Dog, my unhelpful (but hopefully amusing) advice site, and The Confessions. Because I had time to set up these fancy feeds even if I didn’t manage to write any content. Never mind. Here is the actual first post, in the third slot.

So, this is a new site where I can post stuff that interests me, or is entirely about me. Updates could grow irregular if I get distracted with “proper projects”, but I’ll try and at least throw up the occasional photo. If nothing else, my other sites will feed through. More later, possibly. Should you wish, I can be emailed at, among other addresses.


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