Merlin finale review up now on Dork Adore! Did you cry?
And this really is the last content for this site until the other side of tomorrow, probably, so Merry Christmas to anyone reading this. Have a good one.
My embarrassing struggles with the Christmas TV schedules - EXPOSED. A weirdly personal blog on The Digital Fix.
The penultimate season 2 Homeland, as seen on Channel 4 last night, reviewed on The Digital Fix.
On The Digital Fix, I address the latest round of Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who rumours. With maths and everything.
A preview of the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas TARDIS redesign, and five suggested new features. Posted on The Digital Fix.
Long, thoughtful piece on The Walking Dead season 3 for The Digital Fix, in which I finally work out what I think.
Only four Merlins to go, and I have a spoiler-free preview of this weekend's episode on The Digital Fix.
Is Wizards Vs Aliens a worthy replacement for Sarah Jane Adventures? Me on The Digital Fix investigates.
My latest Walking Dead review on Dork Adore, as two groups of survivors finally collide and, predictably enough, torture each other.
The latest Merlin review on Dork Adore, which I forgot to post on Sunday morning. Which means there's another related item to follow...
NaNoWriMo 2012: The Halfway Point
My latest Dork Adore Walking Dead review. Will I punish the shit out of them for having a slightly less action-packed episode?
All NaNo's Eve – Belated NaNoWriMo Prep 2012
I’ve been slack on blogging of late, due to moving house and devoting my typing time to working on the actual stories, rather than masturbatory writing about writing. (Also, September/October means a lot more TV reviews.) See the picture to the right for an illustration of my housemove, doubling as a metaphor for writer’s block.
But it’s nearly November, which means NaNoWriMo, and writing bloggers across the world breathe a sigh of glorious relief. Because, hey, no need to think of a topic for the next few weeks. Just start with NaNo and go from there!
And I’m not one to turn down easy inspiration, especially because it’s the 31st October (Happy Halloween!) and I haven’t done a shred of planning yet. Or even decided my exact approach. So, let’s talk about that. (This blog post totally isn’t an excuse to put off planning. Shut up.)
Been a tad slack on posting my reviews of the weekend's TV, it seems. So, here's the latest Walking Dead review on Dork Adore.
Last night's Red Dwarf review on Dork Adore. Already attracting controversy! Well, I had one comment disagreeing.
As a nice change from covering the Walking Dead TV show, today on Dork Adore I review The Walking Dead Official Magazine.
Dork Adore review of the Walking Dead season 3 premiere. Did the zombies shamble fast enough for you?
A spoiler-free preview thing on The Digital Fix concerning Saturday's Uther-returning episode of Merlin.
New Red Dwarf review goes up very quickly on Dork Adore. Can they continue a good start from last week?
My story "Low" is up on With Painted Words. My second ever paid fictionwork, which is quite exciting. Do read it if you have a moment, it isfree and quite short.
Review of The Newsroom season 1 on The Digital Fix, now that it has finished on Sky Atlantic. This is also better than Sinbad.
A look at the new Thick Of It series on The Digital Fix. Yeah, it's pretty good. Watch this, not Sinbad.
New Sinbad review on Dork Adore, featuring a good pun in one of the headings and some surprising positivity.
Latest News Surfing column on The Digital Fix. Includes news on various shows beginning, ending and other things inbetween.
I return to the BBC's Accused to cover the second half of series 2 for Dork Adore. Let us know your verdict.
My Influences – Quantum & Woody by Christopher Priest & Mark Bright
I imagine few have heard of Quantum & Woody, a comic book published in the 1990s (not a time known for great comics, I grant you) by Acclaim Comics. Q&W was pretty obscure even when coming out, and so it remains. It barely even exists on UK Amazon.
Nonetheless, that damn comic has been a huge influence on my stuff, in terms of both character and story structure. (In terms of actual prose, yes, I had to read some books.) So I’m going to talk about it a little.
News Surfing round-up on The Digital Fix! Pond Life semi-review! Red Dwarf space disaster! Exciting.
Latest review of Sinbad on Dork Adore. Has it improved yet, or will my despairing tone be continuing?
Review of Charlie Brooker's A Touch of Cloth on Dork Adore. So subtle, you wouldn't notice it punching you in the face.
I review The Walking Dead season 2 DVD on Dork Adore. Includes link to watch my favourite featurette online.
Latest TV news round-up on The Digital Fix, including Doctor Who "Pond Life" miniseries and some actor/writing squabbling.
Review of the BBC's exciting crime drama Accused on Dork Adore. Is it good? Or better than Sinbad, at least?
Writing About Writing About Writing
Currently, I am sweating over my Creative Writing MA portfolio. This has meant scaling back the blogging, or at least, only doing stuff that repeats every week. As I’ve said before, the writing is easy, having ideas is hard.
So, for this week’s blog post about writing: the painful art of commentating on your own work.
You might think blog posts about writing might prepare me for the 2,500 words commentary I have to produce about my 16,000 word portfolio. I hoped so too, but it turns out I never talk in detail about my own work, only that of other people, mostly in broad strokes. Nonetheless, here is what I have found so far whilst commentating my own material.
Latest Sinbad review on Dork Adore. Yeah, it's pretty bad, but please read the review anyway, I suffer for this.
Latest News Surfing on The Digital Fix! Includes ponderous look at Celebrity Big Brother, Doctor Who, Thick of It, Glee...
News Surfing column on The Digital Fix, rounding up new Joss Whedon Marvel TV, Doctor Who and X Factor news. Yes, X Factor.
Pirates, Zombies and Monkeys – Oh Christ!
My write-up of the new Merlin trailer on Dork Adore, including possible connections to Batman.
Friday short story time: "From Above"
Much like myself. Oh, and if you want to see the situation in which I wrote this, Tuesday’s post on writing environments still exists. This story came out of a conversation I had whilst on holiday in Austria, and is the closest you lot will get to a souvenir. Enjoy!
News Surfing round-up thing on The Digital Fix, including Doctor Who movie non-update, Jack Whitehall news, OTHER!
My Writing Environment And Me
Review of the latest episode of Sky's Sinbad, including discussion of characterisation and male toplessness.
The latest News Surfing round-up on The Digital Fix, including new stuff from Misfits and Red Dwarf, and the discovery of a bright orange picket line.
I Am Not A Travel Writer
As Twitter followers may know, I am currently on holiday in Austria. However, we are currently having an internet break, so I am going to try and honour my blogging commitment by posting about writing. (It is currently Monday rather than Tuesday, and I`m sorry if this confuses anyone. I decided the wrong day is better than nothing.)
It may not be as long as usual, I can only apologise, but it is going to tackle a writing impulse I get whenever I go away: the urge to try and be a travel writer.
Friday short story time: "Anklebiters"
Hello. Am going on holiday in a few hours, but nonetheless, there’s still time to produce some kind of Friday story. In fact, this is the one I was trying to put out last week, before I got hit by mass distraction.
Vaguely inspired by a conversation I was having with Laura on Twitter about zombie animals, here is… a quite short story about zombie animals and the implications of same.
“Actually”, it's terrible
Once I’ve completed a piece of writing, there are a few steps I take before showing it to anyone else or slap it up online. Some involve factchecking, rephrasing and reading stuff aloud, but by far the most inevitable and aggravating is hacking “actually” and its tedious ilk outta there.
Equivocators, qualifiers, half-arsed fence-sitting non-words that do nothing except sound clunky and damage the meaning of whatever you were trying to say.
Comic-Con news update on The Digital Fix. Which long-running TV show threatens to make a movie? Which terrible movie is getting an unofficial sequel on Doctor Who? My relationship with Showtime's PR strategy takes an increasingly bitter turn. And, yes, more!
News Surfing column continues on The Digital Fix with some overly aggressive updates. HBO vs Presidency! Brooker vs World! New Girl vs UK! More!
The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger – Untimely Book Review
You thought my review of Genus was tardy? Well, I’ve topped that: this Untimely Book Review covers The Time Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, which has a battered sticker on the cover pledging allegiance to Richard & Judy’s Book Club 2005!
But I remember when this damn book was everywhere, so I’m hoping a few of you have read it. Let’s talk!
Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom starts on Sky Atlantic tonight, and I preach unto you about it on The Digital Fix.
Friday short story time: "Death Ray"
Does this count as another stab at science-fiction? Not sure. The concepts are certainly in there. It’s something, none the less.
Latest TV news round-up on The Digital Fix, including HBO renewals and advertising mascot (possible) fatalities.
“It’s All... Papery” – Returning To Print Books
I’ve had a Kindle for a year, and it’s fast become my primary method of reading. I love the interface, the convenience, the way I don’t have to fill up any more space with piles of books, which attract dust in vast quantities and give me allergy seizures.
So, yes, I am an ereader convert. But some people, my so-called friends, are behind me on the development scale and keep lending me books made of dead trees. I finished one such novel the other day and thought I’d share some thoughts on my re-entry onto paper.
Friday short story time: "Contact"
Also inspired by my friend Alastair using contactless card payments at the branch of Pret where I was trying to think of a story. I’m simple and easily influenced sometimes.
Anyway, let’s go!
Second weekly (hopefully) News Surfing round-up on The Digital Fix, including two appalling photos, a lot of Armando Iannucci and... who is the document wallet douchebag?
I have a go at The Fire Rises, a new Dark Knight Rises tie-in online game for Dork Adore. Join Team Bane! Be a street criminal! Fumble in the dark!
Dialogue – The Writer’s Crack?
Review of Armando Iannucci's Veep on The Digital Fix. Starts tonight on Sky Atlantic, it's actually pretty fun.
Friday short story time: "Scarlet Letters"
Tiring schedule at the moment, but the MA portfolio is slowly getting cranked out, as is a bunch of internet material. Most recently, I did a slightly mocking TV news summary for The Digital Fix, which I think came out okay and may even do again in the future if I have time.
Oh, and on Tuesday on this very website, I reviewed the sci-fi novel Genus. And I’m about to post a short story I wrote about not-really-politics. Now, if someone could just edit my novel for me…?
In a blogging moment I'm quite proud of, TV news round-up for The Digital Fix. Includes The Newsroom reviews, 10 O'Clock Live renewals, funny Shatner video, masturbatory news, other things...
I review the new romance mini-series True Love, in which the BBC try to recreate Love Actually on a TV budget with no script. Let's see how that goes.
Genus by Jonathan Trigell - Untimely Book Review
My book reviews will rarely be prompt, as I read painfully slowly and pick most novels up in the Kindle sale. Nonetheless, I did recently finish one: Genus by Jonathan Trigell. After taking a month to read it, I should get some thoughts down before I forget them, so let’s go! (Trying to whip up some energy!)
Review of Dexter season 6 DVD on The Digital Fix. Mostly of the actual episodes as DVD extras were pretty minimal.
Friday short story time: "Balloon Debate"
So here it is at last, although I did post that audio monologue about pigeons on Friday evening to tide you all over anyway. Oh, and I also did a blog post on Tuesday about the use of technology in stories, although that doesn’t apply to this at all.
Primeval returns on ITV soon, airing a series that was on Watch ages ago. Does this bode well? Probably not. Me on Dork Adore investigates.
Computers In Literature – Balls, Ones and Zeroes
The real world isn’t as conducive to beautiful literary representation as it was back in the day. Real-life dialogue too often takes place via text, email or instant messenger, which means ur book might have 2 feature awful abbrvtns and smiley faces. :(
Many authors would rather be kicked in the crotch by a centaur (or a binary camel - see illustration to right) than incorporate any of that modern nonsense, but it’s increasingly hard to avoid. Everyone is obtainable all the time, so what’s your excuse for any character being out of the loop when they could call, email, text or tweet someone? Isn’t it funny how they keep losing their mobile phones?
On a whim, I have recorded a brief audio ramble about pigeons, inspired by a fairly dull occurrence on the way home. Thoughts welcome, especially if they relate to how you would survive a pigeon attack.
And yes, this is kinda instead of a Friday story I suppose.
Preview of shows starting up this summer in the US on The Digital Fix, including 200 glorious words by me about Breaking Bad.
Stating The Obvious – 4 Pieces of Oft-Used Writing Advice That AreProbably Still Correct
Final Game of Thrones review of the year on The Digital Fix. Most of the fighting was last week but we can still have fun.
Friday short story time: "Faker"
Not much time today, or this week as a whole, hence a slightly dashed off snippit of dialogue as this week’s “Friday story”. But I think there were a few good jokes in there, so here it is regardless.
Oh, and if you didn’t catch it earlier in the week, I have also been doing a bit of blogging about writing. Well, the plan is to do it every Tuesday, so here’s the obligatory intro post. First real attempt coming up in a few days.
They've cancelled Dirk Gently and I was moved to do a post about it for The Digital Fix. Sorry, bit of a blog frenzy today.
A Dork Adore "review" of the new Olympic-themed mini-episode of Doctor Who written by kids. Yeah, I can't really be too mean.
Writing About Writing - Inevitable Introduction
Final look at House on The Digital Fix as the series concludes. I love this show, so yes, did let myself ramble on a little.
Friday short story time: "White Tornado"
(No, not like that. Although old Friday story Threesome At Dead Rock is still my most google-found page. so clearly implying the existence of adult content is the way to go. Porn-SEO!)
Anyway, hopefully there will be some more regular content on this website starting next week. For now, though, here’s some short work.
A piece for Dork Adore on the House finale, also incorporating the House Facebook game that I have been playing far too much.
A piece about Episodes for Dork Adore, in which I inevitably break out the "having an episode" joke.
National Flash Fiction Day story: "Touch Wood"
Well, I say story. It’s just under 300 words of dialogue, and as with most things I produce very quickly, it’s a bit on the puerile comedy side. But I find it strangely endearing, so I’m going to expose you to it anyway.
Sorry, it has nothing at all to do with the TV series Torchwood.
Friday short story time: "Vagrancy"
Today, a short ode to waking up, being confused and just kinda stumbling around. This exact story never happened to me, but I like to think it has basically happened to everyone. A genuine attempt to connect with the universal human experience on Nick Bryan Dot Com today.
And, on a less pretentious note, tonight I see Avengers!
I do a guest post for DollyMix and discuss how Sherlock might escape his series two cliffhanger. Massive spoilers for the final episode of series two, obviously.
I put Joffrey's sexual kinks in perspective in my latest Game of Thrones review on The Digital Fix.
Today, I done a post on Dork Adore about upcoming superhero movies. So yes, Avengers, Batman AND Spider-Man.
Friday short story time: "Prophet Warning"
And I’m currently 63 pages through Script Frenzy, if that interests anyone. Admittedly, my main conclusion is that I’ll probably go back and re-adapt it into some kind of prose format.
Review of the Roku Player on Dork Adore. It's a streaming TV-watching gadget thing, if you didn't already know.
Massive panel game traffic jam on BBC1 tonight as both Have I Got News For You and Would I Lie To You? return. I blog about this on The Digital Fix.
New Game of Thrones review on The Digital Fix asks the ultimate question: can the scale of this thing get any bigger?
Friday short story time: "The Human Pentagon"
Anyway, this is a silly idea which I rattled off on Monday, before returning to Script Frenzy, probably not my most sophisticated work but there we go. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a 14,000 word thing to finalise. It’s been a productive few weeks.
Review of the Trollied series 1 DVD, just in time for you to go do your bank holiday shopping and compare the experience. Posted on The Digital Fix.
A look at Once Upon A Time, the successful US fairytale drama starting on Channel 5 tonight. Posted on The Digital Fix.
Myself and fellow Digital Fix TV blogger Luciano team up to cover the new season 6 of Dexter, starting tonight on FX in the UK.
My review of the Being Human finale on Dork Adore. Featuring spoilers and, yes, a certain intolerable smugness.
It's a whole lot of endings this weekend, as The Walking Dead season 2 concludes as well. Review of the carnage on Dork Adore.
The final Being Human preview of the year on The Digital Fix, in which I try to avoid spoiling the finale, so end up rambling about salad instead.
Friday short story time: "Time-Lapsed"
But for anyone who doesn’t (or just doesn’t pay attention): as an exercise for my creative writing MA this week, we all wrote pieces outside our usual styles, left our names off them, they were shuffled and handed out, then we each read one out and everyone had to guess who wrote it.
So what do I write when trying not to sound like me? Well, here it is. And I’m proud to say no-one guessed it was mine at all.
(Although a couple of people tried to imitate me by including bodily fluids or plot twists to throw others off their scent. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, isn’t it?)
Goldfish! Online anthology for my MA course!
Lots of good work up here, including my short story “The Introvert” in the Short Fiction section. Here’s a permanent link to that, but do go to the proper homepage above and check out some other people’s work, there’s some talent on there.
If nothing else, I did all the pasting of work onto the site and someone else needs to look at it.
A final review of Dirk Gently series 1 on The Digital Fix. Was it as good as the start of the series?
Penultimate Being Human review on Dork Adore! Including ending predictions and very mild spoilers. Wow.
New spoiler-free Being Human preview on The Digital Fix. Penultimate episode, complete with handy hints.
Friday short story time: "Backgammon: The Movie"
So I thought, this must be suitable for some cheap satire. What’s another game that features almost no actual plot whatsoever that I can nail a story on to?
Well, I may not have quite found a part for Rihanna, but I think backgammon is the one nonetheless. For those unfamiliar, a backgammon board looks like the nearby picture. It features two sets of counters trying to move past each other on the big triangles.
I know what you’re thinking, sounds ripe for big screen adaptation, doesn’t it? Hollywood agents, form an orderly queue.
A glance at season 8 of House for The Digital Fix, including predictions for the upcoming series finale. How exciting!
26 alphabetically themed photos I took for the ABC Photo Challenge
New Walking Dead review on Dork Adore. Spoilers and farm-sitting. Some zombies. Well, one zombie.
New post on Dork Adore, in which I suggest some alternatives to Sherlock, for anyone getting withdrawal.
This weekend's Being Human episode, previewed without spoilers on The Digital Fix. Contains romance and stuff.
Today for The Digital Fix, I glance at the debut of The Sarah Millican Television Programme. It's a television programme featuring Sarah Millican, just to clarify.
Preview of tonight's Dirk Gently return now up on The Digital Fix. If you're in the market for a holistic con-man version of Sherlock, this is your guy.
New Being Human review on Dork Adore, as I wait hopefully to see if it's better than last week.
Preview of the upcoming Being Human episode on The Digital Fix, including the return of Adam the Teen Vampire. Is it an improvement on last week?
Friday short story time: "Astronauts Beyond Space!"
So it’s time for a jolly adventure involving astronauts and a few off-colour jokes. And maybe a slight sense of end-of-an-era poignancy, but I can’t be serious all the time.
Time for lift-off!
I give US fairytale-killing drama Grimm another look after three episodes, to see if it's improved since the pilot.
Review of the newest Being Human on Dork Adore, as a ghost turns up! Can our heroes keep the quality up?
Photos of my recent trip to Paris, for anyone wondering what the reality of a press trip is like. Behold!
Review of the newest Walking Dead now up on Dork Adore, featuring dubious "saloon" pun. Rejoice.
Preview of Sunday's Being Human on The Digital Fix. It's been a couple of good episodes in a row now, can they keep it up?
Review of Inside Men on The Digital Fix, the BBC's new crime/heist drama that claims to get inside the "modern man".
I went to a press conference in Paris (yes, that Paris) to discover more about Japanese social gaming giant GREE and their plans to move into the west. More details on Dork Adore.
More reviews of last night's TV now: new paranoid US drama Homeland gets "the treatment" on The Digital Fix.
“The Love Seat” - a topically shit visual metaphor spotted en route to the toilet. (Taken with instagram)
A post-air piece about Grimm on The Digital Fix, also providing a nice chance to check out the site's new design.
Preview of the upcoming new series Grimm, starting tonight on Watch and involving killing fairytales. Posted on Dork Adore.
Friday short story time: "Ready Salted Failure"
This week, a story I already debuted to my MA class on Wednesday. I had to read the whole thing out, so as a result, it’s a bit shorter than usual. A snip at just under 500 words, which is about half what I normally do.
It’s also a bit depressing. Sorry about that. It was written shortly after a conversation with a friend about jobhunting, and I’m an easily influenced writer.
Gentle middle-aged sitcom Roger And Val Have Just Got In is predictably loved by me on The Digital Fix.
Series 1 of Borgen is over. I am sad. But in a happy way. More mixed emotions on The Digital Fix.
In case you didn't even notice it was on, a nice recommendation for Peter Capaldi's Cricklewood Greats on The Digital Fix.
It is Super Bowl day, which means it’s time for the “Superb Owl” joke. Technically this might be more a “Super Owl” than a “Superb” one, but…. but… I don’t know, give me a break. (Click to enlarge, etc.)
Being Human returns for its fourth series on Sunday, having ditched most of its cast. I watch the first episode of the new era and judge without spoilers on The Digital Fix.
Friday short story time: "Ruination"
Well, maybe not anymore. And no, you probably don’t need to read the original. Anyway, yes, this is once again a reflection on something that really happened. Are these stories close to becoming a form of therapy for me?
Preview of Inside Men, a new crime drama from the BBC, on The Digital Fix. It's pretty good.
I investigate the new Primeval DVD boxset for Dork Adore. As if watching the episodes wasn't enough.
Back in the warm comfort zone of The Digital Fix TV section, I review last night's We'll Take Manhattan. How does Karen Gillan fare outside the TARDIS?
Friday short story time: "Ruiners"
And today’s is possibly the closest I come to “proper” blogging at the moment, too. This is basically a heavily fictionalised version of something that happened to me on Monday, in that one of the things here really took place.
The rest of it didn’t, admittedly. It also has a back-and-forth-in-time structure, because I like those.
Review of the new Mull Historical Society album City Awakenings, on the music section of The Digital Fix for once.
Kitten attempts to operate tap. “One day,” she thinks, “I shall pour my own water.” (Taken with instagram)
Friday short story time: "Panel Beating"
NaNo is over, my essay is submitted and so, this week at least, I managed to go to my writing group on Monday and bash out a new story for this website.
Hope you like it, it guest stars Angus Deayton which is… unusual for my material. Apologies if this makes it inaccessible for our American readers.
The cat, doing his best impression of a mystical omen of death. And successfully putting me off my work. (Taken with instagram)