Nick Bryan Dot Com

Hobson & Choi #36 - "Hit The Shops"

Hobson & Choi #36 - Hit The Shops

Hobson & Choi #36 up now on Jukepop, and this week they're going to the supermarket. And Hobson eats a sandwich. It's more exciting than it sounds.

Enjoying this Case Two stuff a lot, I must say. Hopefully you guys are too - feedback welcome, if you want to review us on Web Fiction Guide or just on the Jukepop serial, all both helps me improve the story and spreads the word.

The podcast continues as well, if you like that sort of thing. The latest episode includes a live broadcast from the cafe where I do most of the actual H&C writing.

That'll be all. More next week, as our heroes go on a raid. Yes, a real one.


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