Nick Bryan Dot Com

Hobson & Choi Podcast #7 - Interviews

Our title is Interviews, and that's exactly what happens this week, as Hobson and Choi interrogate the remaining Social Awesome employees. Whodunnit? Place your bets now! And if you already know, don't spoil it for everyone else! Meanwhile, in the author's notes, we go on the road (or down the road, at least) with a not-live outside broadcast!

You can play the episode in the player below, download the MP3 here or subscribe on iTunes to have it thrown at you every week. Or if you hate iTunes on principle, you can point your RSS reader at our Libsyn page to get every episode.

Hope you're all having a good weekend, folks. And if you've enjoyed this podcast, rate/review it on iTunes to help us spread out across the planet!

Hobson & Choi Podcast #7 - Interviews by Nick Bryan on Mixcloud


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