Although, to be honest, there are so many sub-genres of geekery represented at Nine Worlds, I wouldn't be surprised to discover there are multiple panel discussions about 747s, but my eyes just skipped over them.
Point being: first con! Big deal, potentially. How am I feeling/preparing/occupying myself?
All The Feels
I get the feeling there are a fair few convention newcomers making their debut at Nine Worlds - or at least, a lot of discussion on Twitter seems to suggest that. The organisers even released a podcast aimed at those very people, with the always-likable Emma Newman. So at least I won't be alone in my slight bewilderment - or to put it another way, dammit, yet again I only discover something after it goes mainstream.
Jokes (briefly) aside, yes, I'm fairly intimidated, but the Nine World schedule is so absolutely rammed that if nothing else, there will nearly always be an event of some interest to go and see, immersing myself in the warm, non-pressuring arms of organised fun.
Bags Of Fun
A lot of people seem to be losing their shit about preparing for Nine Worlds (and other cons), but I'm pretty sure all I have to do is shove some t-shirts, underwear and shampoo in a bag. This is, obviously, mostly because I won't be attempting any cosplay, nor am I giving a talk/reading/appearance - those seem to be the main things keeping others up at night.
Oh, I should probably take some extra food though. Maybe buy a portable charger for my phone. Do I need paper and pens? A whole netbook? Is it standard convention practice to bring our own toilet roll, just in case?
I'll be fine. I can always live off the free coffee and tiny little kettle in my hotel room.
Wait, Jesus, I don't even know if I get those. SHIT.
His First Live DVD!!!
Many other writers are publishing their appearance schedule for Nine Worlds and other conventions. I do not have one, not even really worked out which panels I'll be attending yet.
However, for anyone who wants to know so that they can say hi to/avoid/donate generously to me, I am there Saturday and Sunday basically all day. If you're worried about recognising me, my face still looks roughly like the adjacent picture. Although I do not always stand around rubbing the back of my neck like I'm on a stand-up DVD cover.If you want one, I may even be able to give you an all-new The Girl Who Tweeted Wolf business card - although if you're on this website, giving you my card is a bit superfluous. Still, they look pretty cool.
Also, good point, that is something else I should pack.I imagine I'll do some kind of blog write-up of the event in a week or so - may try and take some photos so we don't end up with another London Book Fair smashed-bathroom debacle.
In the meantime, let's hope we all have good conventions, if we're going to them. If you haven't bought my recently-published book yet, you can do that here and it's quite good. Other than that, this week's phrase is Try Not To Worry.
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