Nick Bryan Dot Com

Hobson & Choi #84: "Truth Merchants"

Hobson & Choi #84: "Truth Merchants"
The dark truth behind the underworld car park thingy starts to emerge in our landmark eighty-forth episode!

And yes, as attentive readers will note, I even managed to throw up an unrelated book-blog post in the last few days. Well done me.

More importantly, though, the end of the month is nigh, we're doing rather well in the charts, so if you have time to slip over to the Jukepop Hobson & Choi serial, catch up and vote for a few chapters, it'd be rather lovely. Cheers.

Oh, and in related work updates, I sent an edited draft of the second H&C book off to the editor last night, so that's coming soon too.


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