Hello, and welcome to the final section of my Best of 2013 series. Earlier posts covered Music, Movies and Podcasts and Books and Comics, and now we're finishing on TV, the only area of culture to get a whole post of its own. Well, I do blog about it a lot, so I seem to have accrued more opinions. To make those thoughts easier to digest, they're arranged in an internet-friendly Top Ten format.
If you want to compare and contrast, my Top Ten of 2012 appeared on The Digital Fix as I was TV editor at the time. I am no longer, as I wanted to devote more time to the fiction writing, so we're over here for the 2013 countdown. I've stuck to show which actually aired in 2013, and there are some omissions simply because I haven't seen them - Netflix's new House of Cards series, for example, may well have made the list if I'd viewed it. (I got the DVDs for Christmas if that helps.) Here we go.